New Hair System. Tape Doesn't Stick To Lace. Any Tips?


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So my new hair system from Lordhair arrived today. It has its pros and cons which I'll write about in a separate thread. But one thing that's really irritating me is that my tape (Walker ultrahold mini tabs) hardly bonds at all to the lace. Anyone experience this before? Any tips? I'll spray the piece down with knot sealer this evening and see tomorrow if it helps.

Edit: I did some googling and people say to rub it down/clean it with acetone or rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Then the tape should stick. I'd delete the thread but it seems that there's no option to do so.
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So my new hair system from Lordhair arrived today. It has its pros and cons which I'll write about in a separate thread. But one thing that's really irritating me is that my tape (Walker ultrahold mini tabs) hardly bonds at all to the lace. Anyone experience this before? Any tips? I'll spray the piece down with knot sealer this evening and see tomorrow if it helps.
Knot sealer is to help the knots from unraveling, it is not to improve adhesion. Did you wash the piece and shampoo only? Wipe down the lace with alcohol on a cloth?

That should do it. But that is the reason I use poly instead.... all those little checkerboards are very little surface area to grab.


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1. Do not use acetone, it can really cause damage, just alcohol.

2. Knot sealer will do more to harm a good bond than improve it. It's going to potentially "clog" the lace and reduce it's gripping properties. I don't use it, and none of my clients do. A well knotted system that is properly cared for will have minimal shedding.


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So my new hair system from Lordhair arrived today. It has its pros and cons which I'll write about in a separate thread. But one thing that's really irritating me is that my tape (Walker ultrahold mini tabs) hardly bonds at all to the lace. Anyone experience this before? Any tips? I'll spray the piece down with knot sealer this evening and see tomorrow if it helps.

Edit: I did some googling and people say to rub it down/clean it with acetone or rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Then the tape should stick. I'd delete the thread but it seems that there's no option to do so.
I have used knot sealer so the tape sticks again. works great