New guy, 24 years old. Need some advice on my hair.


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You're definitely thinning

why would you think that? and why is it definite? from the looks of things, he looks fine to me, but it may differ due to lighting etc. Only a derm/hair transplant specialization can deduce for miniaturization. In any event, he has significantly better hair than most on here, so in my view, the appropriate course of action is to ensure that he knows whether it is androgenic alopecia or eye tricks. You don't want a young man to get on hormone altering drugs, despite the lack of side effect incidences. The longer he can draw it out, the better.


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Rocklegends, agreed that's exactly why I posted to begin with. To at least try and get an idea of what's going on haha. I'm going to keep an eye on it and then if I'm still feeling unsure, I'll take shookwun's advice and see a hair transplant doctor and get my scalp properly looked at.


New Member
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You're lucky to have hair like that at 24! I'm 23 and I got it a lot worse. Man, if I could keep my hair until I become 40 I would be very grateful.


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Thanks for the look guys! Like I said not so concerned with the cosmetic appearance right now. Hair has just overall been feeling thinner, with some itching going on. Gunna keep an eye on it.