New Article On Polarityte (is Anyone In Contact?)


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Treatment for severe burns usually includes skin grafts and months to years of therapy, all of which can be excruciatingly painful.

Now, a new product lets doctors regenerate a patient’s own fully-functional skin in the lab.

It has worked on pig skin so far, and SkinTE could be life-changing for burn patients.

“I just went to work one morning and turned the equipment on, and it flashed the whole first floor that I was in the middle of,” James Hillman recalls.

A propane explosion four years ago left James with second and third degree burns on over half his body.

“I remember laying there and seeing my tendon in my hands. It was burned so bad I had skin dripping off of it,” he says.

James spent three months in a burn unit. He had numerous skin grafts, where doctors move healthy skin over burns, and years of painful therapy.

Biotech company PolarityTE has developed a treatment to grow a patient’s own skin, potentially eliminating the need for skin grafts. A medical professional takes a two-centimeter graft from the patient and ships it off in the SkinTE box to a lab where the skin is grown in a 3D system in a matter of hours.

“It’s then returned to the patient and it literally grows on the patient, so the patient is used as its own medium,” explains Stephen Milner, MD.

It regenerates to full thickness, fully functional skin with new hair follicles in about three weeks.

“What’s so amazing to me is that you won’t need all those donor sites. So it does away with all that extra part of the body being scarred,” explains Linda Ware, OT, CHT.

James is studying to be a burn nurse, and someday he may help patients with SkinTE.

SkinTE is registered with the FDA, which means it is available in the U.S. There will be a limited release in 15 centers around the country and a wider release next year.

PolarityTE also hopes to begin a pilot human clinical trial later this year, although that’s not required by the FDA.

NEW TECHNOLOGY: While skin grafts and therapy are options for severe burn victims, the process can be long and painful for the patients. Now, a company called PolarityTE is using investigational platform technology to regenerate human skin to full-thickness and full function. The products name is SkinTE, and the process may eventually allow a patient’s own skin to be fully expanded from a small skin biopsy, regenerating all layers (the epidermis and dermis), hair and appendages. This has never been done before.

MORE FROM DR. MILNER: “A medical provider takes a 2cm full-thickness graft from the patient, and ships it off in the provided SkinTE box for processing, which takes a matter of hours, enabling the SkinTE product to be returned to the provider within approximately 48 hours. SkinTE is registered with the FDA as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P), which means it is available for appropriate human use in the United States. PolarityTE is currently in the process of initiating a pilot human clinical trial, although this is not required by the FDA because SkinTE is an HCT/P regulated solely under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act, which does not require premarket approval or clearance from the FDA.”
(Source: Stephen Milner, MD, BDS, DSc, FRCSE, FACS)


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Treatment for severe burns usually includes skin grafts and months to years of therapy, all of which can be excruciatingly painful.

Now, a new product lets doctors regenerate a patient’s own fully-functional skin in the lab.

It has worked on pig skin so far, and SkinTE could be life-changing for burn patients.

“I just went to work one morning and turned the equipment on, and it flashed the whole first floor that I was in the middle of,” James Hillman recalls.

A propane explosion four years ago left James with second and third degree burns on over half his body.

“I remember laying there and seeing my tendon in my hands. It was burned so bad I had skin dripping off of it,” he says.

James spent three months in a burn unit. He had numerous skin grafts, where doctors move healthy skin over burns, and years of painful therapy.

Biotech company PolarityTE has developed a treatment to grow a patient’s own skin, potentially eliminating the need for skin grafts. A medical professional takes a two-centimeter graft from the patient and ships it off in the SkinTE box to a lab where the skin is grown in a 3D system in a matter of hours.

“It’s then returned to the patient and it literally grows on the patient, so the patient is used as its own medium,” explains Stephen Milner, MD.

It regenerates to full thickness, fully functional skin with new hair follicles in about three weeks.

“What’s so amazing to me is that you won’t need all those donor sites. So it does away with all that extra part of the body being scarred,” explains Linda Ware, OT, CHT.

James is studying to be a burn nurse, and someday he may help patients with SkinTE.

SkinTE is registered with the FDA, which means it is available in the U.S. There will be a limited release in 15 centers around the country and a wider release next year.

PolarityTE also hopes to begin a pilot human clinical trial later this year, although that’s not required by the FDA.

NEW TECHNOLOGY: While skin grafts and therapy are options for severe burn victims, the process can be long and painful for the patients. Now, a company called PolarityTE is using investigational platform technology to regenerate human skin to full-thickness and full function. The products name is SkinTE, and the process may eventually allow a patient’s own skin to be fully expanded from a small skin biopsy, regenerating all layers (the epidermis and dermis), hair and appendages. This has never been done before.

MORE FROM DR. MILNER: “A medical provider takes a 2cm full-thickness graft from the patient, and ships it off in the provided SkinTE box for processing, which takes a matter of hours, enabling the SkinTE product to be returned to the provider within approximately 48 hours. SkinTE is registered with the FDA as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P), which means it is available for appropriate human use in the United States. PolarityTE is currently in the process of initiating a pilot human clinical trial, although this is not required by the FDA because SkinTE is an HCT/P regulated solely under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act, which does not require premarket approval or clearance from the FDA.”
(Source: Stephen Milner, MD, BDS, DSc, FRCSE, FACS)

Yeah hopefully admin can get in contact and see if/when they plan on treating hair loss. I saw this on their site which is from a presentation, it lists on slide 16 their product pipeline looks like osteoTE is next followed by cartTE, they even have some new products listed at the bottom of that slide but nothing for hair loss as of yet :/ unless that is counted as a part of the SkinTE product.


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I have a feeling thats the last thing on their list to tackle. Seems like they are handling life threatening conditions first and foremost


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I contacted them earlier this week, I have a good feeling about this company. They've already been permitted to circumvent clinical trials for burn treatment, perhaps that will give them a decent head start on treating Androgenetic Alopecia. Anyway I think the response I got was boilerplate, doesn't dampen my enthusiasm though.

Here are my questions:
  • What was the process for FDA approval required of PolarityTE for their flagship product SkinTE?
  • Do you have any more information on PolarityTE's plans regarding the following statement on the products page of the website:

    "If successful in the burn market, we plan to explore entry into other markets, such as acute and chronic wounds, cosmetic/scar revisions, and hair regeneration.".

  • Is there a timeline for the above?
Here is the CFO's response:


Thank you for your inquiry about SkinTE™. SkinTE is a human cellular and tissue-based product derived from a patient’s skin and intended to repair, reconstruct, replace, or supplement that patient’s
skin tissue/integument. It is FDA-registered and is marketed and regulated as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act and Food and Drug Administration regulations in 21 C.F.R. Part 1271. Whether an individual patient’s particular condition may be appropriate for treatment with SkinTE is a medical decision to be determined in consultation with a licensed and trained physician. We have not announced specific timeframes for the development of additional applications for SkinTE, but please refer to our website for the most up to date information about PolarityTE, SkinTE, and our research and development program, including potential cosmetic applications.


John Stetson

Executive VP & CFO

PolarityTE, Inc. (NASDAQ: COOL)


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I contacted them earlier this week, I have a good feeling about this company. They've already been permitted to circumvent clinical trials for burn treatment, perhaps that will give them a decent head start on treating Androgenetic Alopecia. Anyway I think the response I got was boilerplate, doesn't dampen my enthusiasm though.

Here are my questions:
  • What was the process for FDA approval required of PolarityTE for their flagship product SkinTE?
  • Do you have any more information on PolarityTE's plans regarding the following statement on the products page of the website:

    "If successful in the burn market, we plan to explore entry into other markets, such as acute and chronic wounds, cosmetic/scar revisions, and hair regeneration.".

  • Is there a timeline for the above?
Here is the CFO's response:


Thank you for your inquiry about SkinTE™. SkinTE is a human cellular and tissue-based product derived from a patient’s skin and intended to repair, reconstruct, replace, or supplement that patient’s
skin tissue/integument. It is FDA-registered and is marketed and regulated as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act and Food and Drug Administration regulations in 21 C.F.R. Part 1271. Whether an individual patient’s particular condition may be appropriate for treatment with SkinTE is a medical decision to be determined in consultation with a licensed and trained physician. We have not announced specific timeframes for the development of additional applications for SkinTE, but please refer to our website for the most up to date information about PolarityTE, SkinTE, and our research and development program, including potential cosmetic applications.


John Stetson

Executive VP & CFO

PolarityTE, Inc. (NASDAQ: COOL)

Def sounds boilerplate like u mentioned but one thing that does sound encouraging is the fact they alluded to the treatment for hair regeneration being an additional application for skinte. And skinte is already out in some hospitals and will be in practice large scale 2018. I don't agree that they'll be doing this after all the life threatening diseases. I think they'll be working on this as they work on the next thing in the pipeline (osteote or some sh*t). They already have skinte in clinic, I can't see them waiting until everything is finished in their pipeline before taking advantage of something they pretty much already have working.


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I contacted them earlier this week, I have a good feeling about this company. They've already been permitted to circumvent clinical trials for burn treatment, perhaps that will give them a decent head start on treating Androgenetic Alopecia. Anyway I think the response I got was boilerplate, doesn't dampen my enthusiasm though.

Here are my questions:
  • What was the process for FDA approval required of PolarityTE for their flagship product SkinTE?
  • Do you have any more information on PolarityTE's plans regarding the following statement on the products page of the website:

    "If successful in the burn market, we plan to explore entry into other markets, such as acute and chronic wounds, cosmetic/scar revisions, and hair regeneration.".

  • Is there a timeline for the above?
Here is the CFO's response:


Thank you for your inquiry about SkinTE™. SkinTE is a human cellular and tissue-based product derived from a patient’s skin and intended to repair, reconstruct, replace, or supplement that patient’s
skin tissue/integument. It is FDA-registered and is marketed and regulated as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act and Food and Drug Administration regulations in 21 C.F.R. Part 1271. Whether an individual patient’s particular condition may be appropriate for treatment with SkinTE is a medical decision to be determined in consultation with a licensed and trained physician. We have not announced specific timeframes for the development of additional applications for SkinTE, but please refer to our website for the most up to date information about PolarityTE, SkinTE, and our research and development program, including potential cosmetic applications.


John Stetson

Executive VP & CFO

PolarityTE, Inc. (NASDAQ: COOL)

Could you ask them if it is possible to treat FUE/FUT scars to regain a normal tissue, hairs included? Somehow a treatment for regaining the donor area


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This investor presentation seems fairly new..

It gives some insight into other projects they're working on, also some of the credentials of their team. I have to say every time I look back at this company I feel more certain something like this could be our closest avenue to a "cure". Their product that is relevant to us "SkinTE" is already FDA approved.

Any thoughts on application to hair loss? I had two ideas:
  • They could slather this on after an FUT surgery and your skin grows back together without a scar and with hair.
  • They could grow your skin in vitro and use that skin as a donor for hair transplantation, possibly pulling a roundabout Tsuji.

That Guy

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They could grow your skin in vitro and use that skin as a donor for hair transplantation, possibly pulling a roundabout Tsuji.

That sounds like the most sensible route, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily a roundabout Tsuji.

This would basically amount to unlimited donor for transplantation rather than unlimited cells that will grow hair once implanted.


Senior Member
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This investor presentation seems fairly new..

It gives some insight into other projects they're working on, also some of the credentials of their team. I have to say every time I look back at this company I feel more certain something like this could be our closest avenue to a "cure". Their product that is relevant to us "SkinTE" is already FDA approved.

Any thoughts on application to hair loss? I had two ideas:
  • They could slather this on after an FUT surgery and your skin grows back together without a scar and with hair.
  • They could grow your skin in vitro and use that skin as a donor for hair transplantation, possibly pulling a roundabout Tsuji.
Do you have any info about a worldwide or at least approved release of SkinTE in the US? Would really like to know if this could heal donor areas with hairs included