New all-natural treatment of my own device! Guaranteed...


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to stop male pattern baldness! It's a combination of poison ivy, laudanum, and more poison ivy, and I have tons of comments from satisfied clients, which I'll be happy to send to anyone interested! Not.

I understand that some people are interested in "natural" remedies for illnesses because Western medicine has gotten such a bad rep over the years in certain circles, but one thing that people forget is that "natural" doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Snake poison is natural, but putting it in your bloodstream certainly isn't going to help you in any way! While FDA trials are not perfect, at least they give some real evidence and factual data regarding medications. And this paranoia about Western medicine has really gotten out of hand, partially because of a) bad doctors and b) hypochondriacs who love to take pills for everything, and often in excess (take people with allergies who take an Allegra pill every single f**ing day of the year and then complain about side effects!). As a user of both Rogaine (about 4 years) and Propecia (about a year and a half), I can tell you from personal experience that I have never had any side effects whatsoever from these drugs. And they're not really dangerous drugs; any objective research will let you find that out.

And yes, I know that some medicines out there end up being recalled because they double the risk of heart disease, for instance, but compare that to the number of medications out there available and they are really the exception. No, I'm not justifying the companies that make these very costly mistakes, because they should be more careful, but I'm trying to explain that paranoia can often get the best of you when fighting male pattern baldness.