Neverstopgrowing's Story - (39 /Traumatic Life event & loss)


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Hi Everyone,

I'm not entirely sure of the cause of my hair loss but I'm convinced it worsened while going through my divorce. I'm keeping this story short and sweet because I feel that I've found a positive solution and I just want to get to the point and share my experience in order to hopefully help others in similar situations. I've always had thin, oily hair and saw it thinning more and more as I got older. I'm a 39 year old single mother of 3 boys and I feel that my years of living with an alcoholic husband with gambling and drug addictions has probably accelerated my hair loss to the point of need to do "SOMETHING" about it. Like everyone else who experiences hair loss, I tried the Rogaine, Toppik, Hair extensions and even looked into Hair club. With my newly "single status" dating was something that I dreaded mainly due to my self-consciousness regarding my "balding look". The solution I have found is a "hair system" but I refuse to pay the outrageous prices that some wig retailers charge. Although this solution may not be for everyone because it requires alot of trial and error to find the system that works, I believe that if you have the tenacity not to give up, you can find what works for you. A good place to start is They give you lots of support and they don't require a contract. I have since located a factory in China that manufactures custom hair systems and I order my own at a cost of $125USD per system. I said I was keeping this short and sweet to I'm going to finish off now but I would like to offer my assistance to anyone in need of advice. I now have a full head of gorgeous hair that only requires maintenance about every 5-6 weeks. It's a permanent attachment so my lifestyle has not been comprimised. I enjoy physical activities such as swimming, waterskiing, running, hot yoga and snowboarding. My hair or lack thereof, is no longer keeping me from enjoying a fullfilling active life!

Thanks for reading!