NeoGraft Hair Transplant, Anyone Had Them?


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Hey guys.

I'm 23 and have been loosing my hair since around 17 at a very slow rate. I've been on finasteride since around 19 but have always been scared of using rogaine due to dependency and the "initial shed"

Latley I have noticed more thinning on my hairline, I have a pretty bad receeding hairline, and some diffuse thinning behind the receed (I think thats what its called).

I would like to stop the hairloss but am not sure how. Once it is stopped I want to have a hair transplant to fill in some.

So, has anyone had any NeoGraft transplants? There is a doctor in Houston that does them and that is only an hour away from where I live.

Dr Arocha is in Houston too but I don't think he does NeoGraft.


New Member
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I would also like to know if there has been any members here that has gone through with a NeoGraft procedure


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I have. 26 days ago. But you posted in December. You probably have your questions answered by now?