Need Some Advice 13 Months Finasteride


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Hello everyone, it's been a while. A quick summary about my situation. It turned out to be, I had thyroid disease and I started using25 mcg euthyrox every day 2 months ago. I am currently at 13th month of finasteride. I thought maybe thyroid disfunction caused my hairloss because I did not have normal pattern, but after these 2 months that I've been using euthyrox, nothing has changed. I still shed like crazy. As I already mentioned in my
previous posts, finasteride neither reduced my shedding nor give me hair regrowth. I am just popping it for 13 months. But from photos, my hair looks like it stayed same or sometimes even looks better. Definitely I feel it less dense, I still have some itching and acnes on my head but it looks same. Last week I went for another blood test, I want to share my results and ask my question.

Total testosterone(Ref range 300-990 ng/dL)
2016 November(before propecia) 913 ng/dL
2017 April 580 ng/dL

I don't have any estradiol and dht values before starting medication but here is my results:
DHT level is 157pg/mL and reference range is 112-955
Estradiol level is 27 pg/mL, reference range is 11-44

I thought finasteride increases total testosterone, increases estradiol, reduces dht and no change on free testosterone levels. What should I understand from these results?
My free test level will come out tomorrow so I don't know it yet but according to these testosterone levels before and after I am kinda frightened. I am 21 years old, I was a late bloomer (IDK if i am using this phrase true), last year when I just started to have some beard, I started this drug because I value my hair more than my non-existent beard and my beard did not even develope 1 more strand. I had no sexual sides,
I still have same libido, same personality etc. There is no gynocomastia, I can't feel any lump, but in warm environment my nipples look a little bit puffy. It feels like I am not getting reasonable results according to the risk I am taking since I am risking my growth.

I am starting to think that I should really try to stop taking finasteride or not taking it everyday. So my question is, What advice can you give to me?
Why did finasteride lowered my testosterone level, shouldn't it has to be increased because of testosterone not being converted to DHT? It looks like there is a problem.
I value my hair nearly more than everything and I will lose my whole attractiveness without hair but that testosterone drop really frightened me. I wouldn't have think of dropping finasteride if I could just got the results that I want. Don't get me wrong, I still have reasonable hair but maybe there is an alternative way to treat hairloss without using finasteride, for example I didn't try minoxidil. Maybe 2 months is too early to expect and see results on hair according to my thyroid treatment. Anyway, if anyone can give me his/her idea, I would be very happy.
Sorry for the long post. I will add photos asap but you can still find it in my older posts, it is pretty much same.
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Free Test is 16.07 pg/mL. (Reference range is 8.7-30.0). It was like 21 pg/mL before finasteride.
Here are some photos. Interestingly I think it looks way too better in photos than in real life. Yesterday, I tried another hairdresser and he told me that my crown is thinning badly. Another thing is, it has been like 1 month since I opened this thread and for like a month, my shedding has decreased a lot. Especially from sides of my head, I used to see strand everytime I pulled hair from my sides but now I can only see 1 strand after pulling it for 10 times. Maybe thyroid medication has started to work ^^ (I never had hairline issues)
hairlines.jpg IMG_6886.JPG normalRight.JPG right.jpg IMG_6893.JPG left.jpg IMG_6897.JPG top.jpg
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