Need Help On A Question That Relates finasteride/mino


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Heya guys! Ive been using finasteride for about 3 years and managed to mantain my hair while it. I was 18 and a Norwood 1 when I started, and Id still consider myself a Norwood 1 albeit a bit matured along the sides. So far Im really happy with the experience.

Ive been also taking minoxidil for that time but I absolutely despise the product. It makes my facs puffy, it reeks, it leaves my scalp itching and aggravates my chronic dandruff problem. For those reasons, Ive decided to stop taking it.

My question is this: Ive read lots of horror stories on the sheddings and loss of hair when stopping rogaine, but all the reports Ive found come from people who were never on propecia or decided to stop rogaine because they started propecia. If im blocking DHT and protecting my follicles from thinning all along, will stop minoxidil cause permanent hair loss? I dont mind a shed probably caused from shock loss...


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Have you tried adding a Keto shampoo (like Nizoral or Regenepure DR) to your routine? I used to have bad dandruff issues as well, but in addition to nuking scalp DHT these shampoos help with dandruff. Nizoral can be found in any store and Regenepure DR (which is less harsh on the scalp in my opinion) is sold on Amazon (or at least was).
Also, condition after every wash. Should help with the itching


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Why were you using minoxidil if you were Norwood 1?