Need help. Diffuse thinner


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Hi guys, i really appreciate everyone that helped me out the last time i was here. I need help with a few additional things. I am 20 years old, and I quit using minoxidal for about 4 to 5 months now, and i have noticed an INCREDIBLE LOSS in hair all over my head, including hairline, and the back of the head, which i never had problems with before. I was on minoxidil alone for about 8 months and it worked pretty well from my experiences. However, i came to the realization that i can't be doing this the rest of my life, and i definetly didn't like the way it made my scalp. Flakes and some sort of yellow residue when i run my fingernails through my scalp.

My new regimine is now;
revivogen 1ml/day
nizoral every third day
Soon to start 1mg finasteride
and start "Scalp massages" (refer to my previous post)

My questions are

1) When will my shedding stop, and will it return to the way it was before, even before minoxidil, cus looking back now, it wasn't that bad.

2) What makes a diffuse thinner a diffuse thinner? Some people have very thick hair up front but a receeding hairline. Are diffuse thinners a result of the increased DHT? What are the best medications for this problem?

3) I have an appointment with the dermatologist at the end of this month and im going for the 1/5th proscar. What tests should he perform on me to see whether i have high levels of DHT, or testosterone, and will this indicate how i will react to the side effects, or more importantly to the medication itself, since i responded well with minoxidal.

4) I am now on revivogen (topical as well) and no real change as of yet since its been only a month now. If i use proscar 1/5 and attain the goals that i want after time, will lowering my intake of finasteride have the same adverse effects as quitting minoxidil?

5) if one takes finasteride for lets say 7 years and it starts to die out after this mark, (from what i have heard) how long will the chemicals in the body stay there after one quits the medication in hopes of conceiving a healthy child?

I appreciate everyone's time and look forward to reading the replies. thanks guys


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1...well it will most likely shed to the point where you would have been if you never used minoxidil at all. SO yes there is a good chance you'll have less hair than when you started using minoxidil.

2...male pattern baldness.... it affects everyone differntly..some start losing in just the front and some just in back. Diffusers lose it all over the top. It's all about DHT and genetics. Best treatment for this is finasteride and Nizoral. For the more advanced hairloss sufferer finasteride, Minoxidil, and Nizoral.

3... No need for tests if you already know you're losing your hair. It's not going to determine anything except how much $$ the Dr makes that week.

4... Lowering the dose may result in some loss of results.

5....Probably about a couple weeks since Finasteride's half life is only around 6 hours.



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No one has to use minoxidil for the rest of their life-- unless they want to keep their hair.

It's almost like saying you don't want to brush you teeth for the rest of your life. You don't have to... but they'll sure get rotten if you don't.

It takes me only a minute or two to apply minoxidil. I don't see how anyone thinks it's such a big hassle.


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You need to get on minoxidil, nizoral, and propecia just like BHD said. DO NOT mess around with anything else unless these do not work.


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If you're going to do scalp massages, get a woman to do it for you. It won't grow you any hair, but at least you'll get some benefit that way.


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I try not to count hairs, but its almost impossible. In the shower i would say about anywhere from 15-30 depending on the day?

I know for sure that i'm experiencing a shed, but i just don't know why. I have been off minoxidil for a while now, why has the shed started now? The shed has been like this for about a month and a half now.

Thanks for the help


Established Member
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ok.. what?? 15-30? thats nothing ... try seeing 100 hair in the shower. I've been seeing around 50 hair in the shower lately and i' am soo grateful that my shed's slowing down.


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i dont think your going through a shed.. honestly but it is entirely possible that you will experience a shed resulting from the minoxidil stoppage.

losing hair in the back is still a mystery for me.. I too am beginning to notice hair thinning all over my head including back and sides.. I have also noticed some older guys who has obvious thinning in the back and sides also.. but then my derm sides male pattern baldness doesn't effect the back nor the sides... so go figure..


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I believe hearing/reading that finasteride, realistically, has no chance of affecting a child's development if the father is taking finasteride. It can be absorbed through the mother's skin if she handles broken tablets and cause birth defects in a male fetus though. If I remember correctly, it took someone taking 500x the regular dose for there to be a reasonable possibility for birth defect. Not sure if all those numbers are correct but I remember hearing something along those lines.

Of course, knowing how crazy this stuff is, if I were going to try to have a child I would probably wait until it was out of my system too because I am a worry-wart and hypochondriac.


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You sound a lot like me, in that you can't stand the thought of using rogaine for the rest of your life. So I would recommend to you a treatment that is very easy to fit into your lifestyle. in my opinion your shed is most definitely due to giving up rogaine, sometimes it takes a while for the positive effects of rogaine to "wear off" in a sense. My guess is that rogaine was helping to maintain your hair pretty well, and now that it has been discontinued all the hairs that you maintained are beginning to shed. If you feel like you can't use rogaine because its a pain (i feel the same way and won't use it until absolutely necessary) don't use it, especially for someone like you, if i remember correctly you are catching this very eary (i.e. don't have much loss yet). I would just get on finasteride, and nizoral if you like it is an easy addition to a regimen since you have to shower anyway. and screw the scalp massages because i think that will be very hard to keep up and do every day and they really aren't proven. if you really want to do them, i would do them in the shower while you are massaging in your shampoo (cause you have to massage in the shampoo anyway). And stick with this exteremely firmly, don't mess around at all for one year. I am sure you will be happy with your results, and if not, at that point you can something new added on for another six months (like rogaine, revivogen, etc.). this way your "life long" committement is as lifestyle friendly and as effective as possible.