need help and lots of advice. (pics included), Bruce lee


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here are different pics
Do i have hairloss, i think so, some Hair surgeon's say i don't, it's just a mature hairline. i tried and can't use propecia coz gives me side effects, scared from possible Minoxdl side effects. I am currently taking fluridil sporadically and will start folligen, crinagen or spironolactone. Please help is there anything else i can do, is crinagen or spironolactone worth it. LInk wiht situation i am 22.5 been losing for 3 years now. would love to just maintain. thanks

Dandruff controlled with salicylic acid. Help. I am ready to go on a intensive battle with suggested hairproducts

Is there a non smelly spior that is non effective
I read Bruce Lee that your now using Crinagen, is working good for you.


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to me it looks as if you are thinning. You hair looks a lot like mine where the calic in the back looks thinner than normal. How long were u of finasteride?


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for about 7 months, i quit about during the summer of 2003, i had other health problem that required attention. But i am healthy and ready again to try fight head on. I been on fluridil for about 2 months on and off, but i need something i can use with consistency, i am ready, ready to fight consisently.


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Did you quit finasteride because it gave u health problems?


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You should give minoxidil a try. Maybe just once a day even, since your loss seems quite minor.

It's very cheap to try the minoxidil, and more proven than the other things you're considering trying. Just buy some generic, odds are you won't have sides.


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no basically i took too many advil that caused an ulcer,let that me a lesson, take with lots of food and never on a empty stomach, boy that put me back, Propecia did work, but give me gyno symptoms after 7 months to 8 months. I have only one nad so, that maybe why. went through a nasty shed of around 15 hiars a day.


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im almost exactly at the point of hairloss you getting on spironolactone and have rogaine sittin on my desk but i picked spironolactone because it doesnt have any side effects since its a topical solution although it smells like sh*t ive going to start using that and when it starts kickin in them pore the rogaine on.thats the plan anyways.ive heard that works well together and since its not bad thinning like yours then it might work wonders.i hope


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ive heard that dr lee's spironolactone lotion doesnt smell like *** cause its a non alcohol based substance im not sure though


This is definatley a tough one, as the pictures are not in the best angles. One with your hair pulled back in a full view might help a little.

I personally feel that you MIGHT NOThave male pattern baldness, it's as simple as that. I do not really see the true signs of male pattern baldness, like mininturinzation and choppy hairlines. Your crown looks normal and the camera might have made it look worse than it actually is. Hard to tell. By that last picture it looks like your hairline is hugging your eyebrows, which does not even look like a mature hairline at all. It looks like a 15 years olds.

Anyway, you are definately going to be the best judge, and your family history will also give you a clue.

My advice. GO to a doctor and get a check on it. Otherwise man, you're 22 with plenty of hair. YOu should not be making websites on hairloss sites ,you should be out trying to get laid or drunk, or optimally both.

Good luck.


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Bob why Dont you think he is going bald?



It just looks like he does not have any recession at all. Especially on his right temple, which again, looks like it's touching his eyebrows. Furthermore, the hairs right at the front look long and healthy to me. If I look at my hairline there's tons of different length hairs and various thickness. Maybe this does not show up in the photo's, who know's.

Not only that I think the camera is making it look a lot worse than it acutally is, and it just looks like a natural adult hairline to me. Look carefully at the hairs that don't get pulled back. These look like very healthy and long hairs, hardly an indication of hairloss.

Like I said though. He is probably the best judge, but from those pictures he looks like he is does not have male pattern baldness


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i see what you mean bob. i guess a Doctor would def be the right call.


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i dont think he is going bald.....either....he just have naturally thin hair....i know of couple people includign myself that has hair like that all my life...i am asain looks like he is sides are thin like that.....he seems to be perfectly fine and just for me i was diffuse thinning on top and in teh front....i only use xandrox 15% once a day.....results awesome....


Re: need help and lots of advice. (pics included), Bruce

salazam said:

Do i have hairloss, i think so, some Hair surgeon's say i don't, it's just a mature hairline. i tried and can't use propecia coz gives me side effects, scared from possible Minoxdl side effects. I am currently taking fluridil sporadically and will start folligen, crinagen or spironolactone. Please help is there anything else i can do, is crinagen or spironolactone worth it. LInk wiht situation i am 22.5 been losing for 3 years now. would love to just maintain. thanks

Dandruff controlled with salicylic acid. Help. I am ready to go on a intensive battle with suggested hairproducts

Is there a non smelly spior that is non effective
I read Bruce Lee that your now using Crinagen, is working good for you.

I am very pleased with my current regimen.



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He does look like he's got some really random thinning areas. Not consistent with Male Pattern Baldness... but as Bobmarley mentioned, if the flash hits the head just right, with a weird enough angle, it can look like sparse hair .... when in fact you may just have rather sparse hair all over. If you've got thinning in a place that looks like the bottom-back of your head, thats just weird. that implies you're roughly that thin all over... which implies that you're not experiencing male pattern baldness yet .... because there would be varying degrees of thinning in the "traditional" locations.

However there is a picture where it looks like you've lost a ton right up into the temple area...

Angles and lighting are important.

If your doctors told you that you're not experiencing male pattern baldness, it may be because they saw a consistent level of density all over your head, and I would probably agree with them, if thats the case.

If you can nail down the answer to this question (or get some better pics and post them here on our forums), and are able to determine you have male pattern baldness ... then I'd give Nizoral, Minoxidil, and Topical spironolactone lotion a go. Its an "alternative" to the Propecia, Nizoral, Rogaine regimen, but its definitely got its merits, if you weren't able to tolerate Propecia.


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The left temple is a little suspect. Other than that, the hair looks ok.


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so i believe it's going to be folligen for sure, fluridil for the back, and i haven't decided for crinagen or spironolactone yet for the front, which spironolactone exactly is the one that doesn't smell, and crinagen smells fine and works decently right. Thanks


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Dude, Clean you finger nails, Damn.

Still don't know if you have that much loss(if it is even male pattern baldness), to worry to much right now.


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these pictures were taken all on the same day and hour. when i had access to a digital camera. Rest assure the nail problem is taking care off.