Need Advice


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Hello all,

I have been pondering whether or not to make an account on here for a couple of months now and I would love some advice.

I am almost 31 years of age and have a condition called leaky gut syndrome which I have been in the process of healing. I am not sure if this contributes to the below but I thought it was worth mentioning. In terms of MBP genetics, my brother is 27 and its receding and thinning quite badly. My maternal grandfather went bald at the age of 21. My maternal cousins are all in their mid twenties and losing their hair rapidly.

Despite this, I have always had very thick hair until the past couple of years. Hairdressers would always comment how thick my hair was and always had to find ways to make it thin out so it would sit better. However, in the past year or so my hairdresser now uses terms such as 'I've tried to make it look fuller on top' and 'we can use this bit to fill that gap'. A marked difference.

I've noticed that since my health problems started, my hair has been gradually thinning out and receding at the temples and towards the front. I have been using Alpecin shampoo for the past year to see if this helps and also trying to improve my diet. Sadly, this doesn't seem to have worked and my hair is only getting worse. My hair is quite long so it is not as noticeable as it might be but as time goes by, and the thinning becomes more and more aggressive, I notice that I am struggling to maintain my hairstyle. If I shaved my head I think people would be very shocked at the state of my hairline.

I have included a photo of my crown. My girlfriend reckons that it's just a normal parting but I disagree. I will include some photos of the front when I can.

What I am looking for is some opinions on the state of my hair loss and what I should do to maintain what I have or even possibly gain any regrowth. I have been toying with the idea of starting finasteride but I am getting married in a couple of months so the prospect of shedding and my hair becoming even worse terrifies me as I want to look my best for wedding photos etc.

Any opinions would be welcomed. Thanks



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It's hard to tell from one photo whether your hair is like that naturally or you are experiencing hairloss. Regardless of what your hairdresser says, do you feel your hair has thinned? Are you noticing more hairs on the pillow or in the shower?

You still have plenty of hair so don't worry too much. But if you feel that you want to nip hairloss in the bud, consider starting on finasteride or minoxidil. However do your research and see whether it will interfere with your current medical issue. Health is more important than hair.