Natural Remedies?


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I'm just starting to research what to take for my hair. Man there is a TON of info out there!

About me: I am 26, been receding since highschool. The first treatment I ever did was recently took the Proc**erin pills for about a year, and believe it or not had decent results. Anyway, I stopped using a few months ago and man o man is my hair thinner than ever...NO JOKE! I was going to reorder but after weeding my way through this forum it looks like Proc**erin is somewhat of a scam. I think perhaps it was the saw palmetto that was working in the Pro**cerin?

So, I have been looking at natural remedies etc, In the forums I found a link that was to something in this site:

My main question: Looks like info in the site above is legit, could any of you ol' timers tell me if it is any good or are they just selling products mixed with info.

Also, don't label me spam... :nono: I genuinly want some opinions on the natural treatments...and the above website. Like I said, I had some luck with the naughty pills and would like find a more reliable source of info/products.


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Yeah it had to be the Saw Palmetto in THAT product. I use standadized Saw Palmetto 85 - 95% and it works to some degree and is cheap at Walmart. As far as any other natural treatments someone else will have to respond to them, sorry. Good Luck to you!


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If you were asking me......

Natural remedies are non-prescription drugs for self-medication, and are only to be used for minor ailments that do not require medical intervention.


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I doubt the question should be one of 'natural' verse 'non natural' treatments. In the context of growing hair, surely its just a matter of safe verses non-safe treatments and also one of cost?


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Ok, I will clarify. It is not the "natural" that I am so interested in. I just thought if saw palmetto has similar effects as propecia, why not use that? It is kind of like taking a vitamin c pill or eating an orange...

But lets not get stuck on the definition of natural. What I was really interested in is what y'all thought of the website. Particularly their treatment protocol It looks like a good place to start to me.

I was thinking of trying the emu oil (already have some), saw palmetto, and perhaps a couple other things (suggestions appreciated).

Is the saw palmetto at walmart comparable to

thanks Tim


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Right, well - Saw P does seem to work somewhat for prostate health and perhaps a little for hair loss when taken orally. Certainly most say its nothing like as effective as propecia/proscar (finasteride). Some say they have had sides from Saw P taken orally. This suggests it does indeed inhibit DHT to some degree. Some use it topically, there is some evidence that the active ingredient, thought to be Beta Sitosterol, inhibits/blocks DHT in the scalp. Hairmuck has Beta Sitosterol in it, and Revivogen has the Saw P extract I believe.

If you start taking internals be mindful of side effects. Monitor how you feel carefully. Have a look at my signature with regards to finasteride. All those topical items are 'safe' as far as I know.


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timisthinning said:
Ok, I will clarify. It is not the "natural" that I am so interested in. I just thought if saw palmetto has similar effects as propecia, why not use that? It is kind of like taking a vitamin c pill or eating an orange...

But lets not get stuck on the definition of natural. What I was really interested in is what y'all thought of the website. Particularly their treatment protocol It looks like a good place to start to me.

I was thinking of trying the emu oil (already have some), saw palmetto, and perhaps a couple other things (suggestions appreciated).

Is the saw palmetto at walmart comparable to

thanks Tim
That regime will do nothing, check out the success stories here for what works


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"Its war: Bombing my scalp with minoxidil+hairmuck x2 daily, 2% spironolactone (+ 5% cream on temples) x2 daily, Super Zix II (no zinc sulphate) x1 daily, Tricomin/Folligen/Retin-A x1 daily, nightly Nizoral 2% followed by Revivogen overnight. finasteride nearly killed me. Oh, MSM, Q-Silica, Toco-8, Salmon Oil, multivit. 200mW 650nm laser to 6J/cm2. "

Hey Zxaddict, that is one hell of a regimine. I agree with you on the Hairmuck, I have been using that for 3 month's as well.


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Lol, I love how everyone immediately jumps on any poor sod who says the word "natural". We should just globally replace the word natural with "does not cause any known systemic side effects", because that's what people are shooting for when they say "natural" of course; try not to jump down peoples throats or get into the "oh yeah, tough guy, how is natural different from non-natural" peeing contest. Thanks.


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I could not agree more! Also to say things like "that will never work" is ridiculous as well. Different treatments work different on everyone. "Natural" or not.

Follically Challenged

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Ouroboros said:
Lol, I love how everyone immediately jumps on any poor sod who says the word "natural". We should just globally replace the word natural with "does not cause any known systemic side effects", because that's what people are shooting for when they say "natural" of course; try not to jump down peoples throats or get into the "oh yeah, tough guy, how is natural different from non-natural" peeing contest. Thanks.

i'm looking for natural products because i think it will leave you feeling better.

i use ket shampoo and i don't suffer from side effects. but i don't feel great. is it the ket maybe? wtf do i know i'm a retard and, call me a retard here, but i'm inclined to believe natural products MAY treat your body better....wherein the differences in how you feel will be subtle yet substantive.

p.s. i know you don't call people retard but some people here are so in love with their drugs they want to start fights with people wanting to try natural products.


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Follically Challenged said:
wtf do i know i'm a retard and, call me a retard here, but i'm inclined to believe natural products MAY treat your body better....wherein the differences in how you feel will be subtle yet substantive.

p.s. i know you don't call people retard but some people here are so in love with their drugs they want to start fights with people wanting to try natural products.
Natural compounds like: botulinum, oleandrin, aflatoxins, lectins...


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well when you are right you are right, you cannot even try to argue against me because there is not argument in this "natural" treatment nonsense

Follically Challenged

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bubka just so you know you're on ignore and i'll never read another post by you as you infuriate me. you just have that effect on me. take care and good luck to you.


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Sure you will, I guess I would get sick of somebody always having to correct myself, and pointing out my false assertions and statements

I am glad I don't have to waste my tax money for your "social assistance" in your hair loss regime


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yep, I get $5 for every post

Still waiting on how a "natural" compound is different than one made in a lab :whistle: