N00bs Story (21)


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Whatsup everyone,

I'm a 21 year old student in college, and like you, I'm balding. My father is bald, his father had hair, and my mothers father has hair... so i guess i just got sh*t out of luck.

I first noticed a very small bald spot in the back of my head last year around this time. Since I've never looked at the back of my head before, I didn't think anything of it. BUT after a little, it did get me thinking. About six months after my realization I started researching hair loss and came to realize that i indeed had inherited that awesome gene from my loving father. In that time i also noticed that my hair was getting progressively thinner and thinner, although unnoticable to anyone else, very noticable to myself (as all of you can relate).

Over this time i made several dermatologist appointments, but had to wait about 4 or five months for each appointment because they were so extremely busy that they couldn't fit in a ten minute consultation. 18 yrs later, when I finally my time arrived I went into the dermatologist and they took pictures. Then lucky me got to wait another six months so they could compare my pictures with my present head of hair. When that was over, I got two of the same answers from these professionals "It doesn't look like your balding, your hair just looks thin". I next went to a very trusted dermatologist, myself. After a pain in the *** struggle to get Propecia, 3 months ago, I finally got a prescription. I took Propecia for 2months , and than finally switched to finasteride 1.25 mg per day cause I need cash for books and beer...maybe the occasional $2 mixed drink.

Since my start of these pills, my hair has gotten progressively and progressively worse. I, obviously, blame this on finasteride's beautiful and un-stressful "shedding phase" that i was warned about during my research. My problem is that I can't tell whether I am actually "shedding" or just progressively losing my hair to male pattern baldness. The hair "shedding" is only on top in a U shape, not on the sides or back what-so-ever. Since I have no side affects that I can tell, I have really no way to tell if this medicine is working. I tell myself that its "shedding" and that it'll start coming back soon, but that's just bullsh*t i tell myself so i can sleep soundly at night.

The good thing that has come out of this is that I'm almost at the point of acceptance that one day, if not very soon, I WILL lose my hair, and be bald. Hopefully, I'll be that jacked bald dude who everyone thinks is a boss, therefore doesn't question his hairloss as a result of envying his huge chest and biceps.

Don't mistake my humor for thinking i'm fine. I like anyone has had, and still have rough patches in my fight against this F*cker. I stare in the mirror almost everyday. I have days where my confidence is in the bottom of the toilet with my sh*t, and days where I'm my normal, confident, sarcastic, and happy self. One day my hair will look good, and I strut around campus feeling good and talking to girls in line at lunch, and well, everywhere. Than I have my days where I don't even wanna go outside because I'm so down on myself.

Over time, and as my hair has gotten thinner and thinner I've gained a lot of useful information and I feel as if I am working my way towards being a stronger person. For someone like me, who is very confident, but also is concerned with his appearence.. I think that balding may actually be doing my personality, and the way I perceive confidence a very big favor. I tell myself that this medicine will not work, that way I can embrace the fact and accept that soon I will be bald. I view the medicine working as a "present". With someone with luck like mine, I think this is a smart way to think. This way if it works, I will be very happy, but if it doesnt... I will hopefully be happy as well. You can't put all your eggs in one basket, and i think that's what a lot of people do with this pill- put all your hope into it, then in the end you possibly gain nothing and are back at the start; stressed, unconfident, and feeling ugly.

Another thing I've been doing is shaving my hair shorter and shorter. This not only helps disguise my balding but I like to think that it helps me get used to the fact that I am losing my hair. Instead of one day, shaving my head and having to cope with my image in the mirror, I shave more and more off everytime I notice progressive thinning. That way i can ease myself into a state where I'm comfortable with the way I look, and maybe a bald head wouldn't look that bad.

With all that said, this still sucks. But I'm not gonna sit and dwell on it because I'm doing all that I can do. All this that I said is easier written out than put into practice, but I am making progress in this confidence battle dealing with hairloss, and hopefully someday soon I will see actual progress.

I'll keep everyone updated on my progress with finasteride, and I hope soon, I will have some good news for you guys!