My time on finasteride

viet nom nom

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I posted the hairline photo a few days ago, but after looking things over, it is clear to me that progress is happening.

I have been on generic finasteride for 8 months now. I am 39. Unfortunately, my baseline photos were blurry, and my recent photos are a bit favorable, yet the difficulty I had in recreating the original issues is a testament to the fact that things have strenghtened, and I'm calling it a sucessful start.

Plan on going two years before deciding if I want to add something


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The top picture tells it all. There are so many downers on this site..."finasteride only maintains" & "you will be extremely lucky and rare if you get regrowth at the hairline" .... op: Great results....keep it up!


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Nice job man, keep it up and I don't think you need to anything else besides finasteride. By the 2 year mark, you will probably even have more regrowth!


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nice man glad u are seeing results , ur 39 years old tho so dont tress to much! u are allowed to have a receeding hairline at that age haha

- - - Updated - - -

Used it for a while, but it made my hair too dry. Like as if I were washin it with bar-soap.
use it bro then just use condinator after or only use nizoral like 3 times a week

viet nom nom

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One small update, some time ago I noticed some small hairs in my hairline that were starting to grow above the peach fuzz. They're a bit more prevalent now and getting longer (~1 inch). Still quite thin, but if they thicken, they'll help the density quite a bit.


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Your hair isn't drastically better, but it wasn't too bad to begin with either. Bottom line, it's a great success, and here's to hoping you keep that for years


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Your result is really good in 8 months , Regrowth and thickening and more density , Congratulations bro.