My story -with phone pics-


New Member
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Well, first of all sorry about my english I'm from Spain and haven't use it since I was 24 in university -now I'm almost 31-.

I started to notice hair loss at 24-25, I used to wear afro style hair -very curly hair and thick-, and in one year I lost a lot of hair. My crown was going worst and worst, adding thinning all over my hair. I've lost 50% of my hair in one year, and everyone could see my scalp in the crown area.

For 4 years my hairloss stopped more or less and I mantained what I've had. But I kept loosing hair but in a less way than before.

This year I decided to visit a dermatologic, and started to take 1/4 Proscar a day and nizoral shampoo every third day.
Then I knew this forum and added rogaine foam to my regimen.

I think my problem has improved and I stop my hairloss, here you are some pics. It's a word file.


Experienced Member
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WOW :shock: Great progress buddy, thanks for sharing :D

Gives me a lot of hope for my regimen!!! :D :D :D


New Member
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thanks mate, I actually beleave I´m a little better than in Febrary when I started.


Senior Member
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i see your new thread in the sucess story now, good job! :)