My story with hair loss at a young age


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Hello, all. This is my story with hair loss. It has significantly changed my life and my life unfortuantely will never be the same and I feel as though I will never be content in life.

As a young teenager and up until now I have always had a bad hairline and horrible hair. It is sparse, frizzy, and hay-like. It is easily my worst feature. I always had a buzz cut with a shape up anyways, but it still never looked good cause of my hair texture and my head shape isn't the best. I was always jealous of my classmates with low hairlines. I always just thought I would have a high hairline and kind of learned to accept it all, including all of my other insecurities like height and facial features, even though I get complimented a lot by women.

People began to tell me I was going to be bald when I was 18. Eight f*****g teen. I didnt think much of it but I heard it a lot from 18-20 when I finally realized I was going bald. My hair always looked shitty in those years and although I felt good about myself at times, my hair completely ruined my appearance and I hated taking photos. It sucks to think how much of a difference good hair would have had in my development and how I carried myself. It really sucks and feels like I havr missed out on an important part of my life and youth.

When I first noticed I was diffuse balding at 20, I went insane for a bit and fell into a deep depression. Why me. I already feel ive been through enough but everything that has happened has passed and nothing quite compares to losing your hair. NOTHING. I began doing my research and have decided against finasteride but I am on minoxidil and use it once a day. I have actually responded really well. Regained some hair all over my scalp, including my hairline. Have been using it for three years and don't really notice any side effects but am still paranoid about my skin worsening.

It feels good to be doing something about it but in the end, I would have never, ever wanted to go through this especially not at a young age when I would feel carefree and confident if I had good hair. It hurts when I see my family members with good hair and I am the only one struggling with this. I get extremely jealous when I see anyone with good hair. Ultimately, it just sucks to think how hair loss has made me feel old, unhealthy, and depressed and how differently my life would have been had I not been dealt this shitty hand. My life would be pretty damn perfect right now if I wasn't balding. Sorry if this is all over the place. I could go on forever.


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Hi friend, I really understand how you feel because I am living it right now. I am 19 years old and I have no density on the first third I have lost a lot of hair, if I put myself under a big light you can see my skull ..

It changed my life in bad, depressive episode, shy and I hate social ties because of it because I am always afraid that my hair loss will be seen.

To radically change my life, in the next few weeks I will have recourse to a hair system

How old are you now, for your hair, difficulty in seducing girls? I guess yes since its killed your confidence but I would like to have your feeling