My story. Losing hair since 15-16 and 24 now. With PICs!!!


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I deleted my old my story thread because without pics it's useless. I have taken pics of my crown and hairline and while the crown has improved quite a bit since 3-4 months on dutasteride and minoxidil 5% I still want some more results.

I will keep on updating after one month intervals. My camera isn't the best so bear with me.


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I have been applying retin-a to my face and hair on my hairline are getting thicker. I will buzz my hair so that I can apply retin a properly.

I want my crown to fill in if possible but I'm not worried about my hairline. Having a bald spot sucks.

Captain Hook

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Excellent results in such a short amount of time!

Out of curiosity, I've been thinking of adding tretinoin (Retin-A) to my regimen as well since I will be buying some soon for use on my face so I figure why not apply it to my hairline as well while I'm at it. How often do you apply it and what concentration do you use?


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I apply 0.1 on my face and forehead is a part of that. I apply it 4-5 times a week. Sometimes I take a break and sometimes I do it daily depending upon sensitivity. My forehead has 5-6 really thick hairs far away from my hairline and my temples have recovered a lot because I apply it there too. I don't apply on my scalp but will start after 6-7 months if that bald spot doesn't fill in.

If I were to apply on my scalp, I would apply 0.1 every three days because it can be too much. But you can also apply .025 daily without causing harm. You have to start slow though.

Captain Hook

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Noted, thanks very much for the input. I'll likely be using the 0.025% formulation, titrating my dosage frequency from once a week upwards.


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Is Retin-A a prescription cream? Or does it come in other brand names? Don't seem to find anything that confirms what I'm looking for with a google search! Also Captain, what is the theory behind it potentially being of benefit? I'm using S5 at the moment, Nizoral and recently started 0.5mg of finasteride, and keeping an eye on how my body feels at the moment but something to try on my hairline could be useful. Also, what is your take on Azelaic Acid?

Captain Hook

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Is Retin-A a prescription cream? Or does it come in other brand names? Don't seem to find anything that confirms what I'm looking for with a google search! Also Captain, what is the theory behind it potentially being of benefit? I'm using S5 at the moment, Nizoral and recently started 0.5mg of finasteride, and keeping an eye on how my body feels at the moment but something to try on my hairline could be useful. Also, what is your take on Azelaic Acid?

Retin-A is just one brand of the drug tretinoin (also known as all-trans retinoic acid, the carboxylic acid form of Vitamin A). Renova is another common brand but there really is a large array of different brands as it is a pretty popular acne and photoaging treatment. It is prescription only but just like with finasteride you can simply order it online.

Tretinoin's benefit for hair loss is nothing new, it's used to increase absorption of topicals via its chemical exfoliant effect and even has been shown to regrow hair when used alone in 58% of patients (that's better than minoxidil's regrowth efficacy of 40%). More recently however it has also been shown to upregulate the prostaglandin-E synthase enzyme which leads to increased PGE2 levels (good for hair growth) in an in vitro study.

Another in vivo study also showed that tretinoin downregulates androgen receptor expression. Think less androgen receptors being synthesised = less targets for DHT.

In addition, some tentative evidence has also shown that tretinoin induces various growth factors in the areas that it's applied as well, think derma-rolling type benefits without the risks, this may also explain its efficacy in stimulating hair regrowth and increasing collagen synthesis in the skin. So you get a lot to love with tretinoin basically, especially if you're concomitantly applying it to your face as well, since it's one of the best studied retinoids in the use against photoaging.

As for azelaic acid, I don't recommend it simply because not only are there no human trials done on it but also there are no in vivo trials. The only trials performed was one in vitro study that even stated in its conclusion that a more appropriate in vivo study was needed to confirm the evidence. I question this study because it also showed that zinc was shown to be a 5AR inhibitor yet you don't see anyone using topical or oral zinc to treat their Androgenetic Alopecia, at least not with good efficacy. Azelaic acid may hold promise for alopecia areata as shown in other studies and it may very well be a decent minoxidil absorption enhancer but I see no reason to use it. If you want to increase the absorption of your topicals, use tretinoin instead, simply because it has more additive benefit.




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Retin-A is something else. My skin was ****e but it has transformed my skin within months.

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UPDATE: Buzzed my hair and I will be taking full benefit from this.

Applying minoxidil 4 times a day

1 ml - 1.5 ml morning entire scalp

0.5 ml on bald spot and hairline (4 hrs later)

0.5 ml on bald spot and hairline (another 4 hrs later)

1.5 ml entire scalp night


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Update : My regrowing fuzz near my hairline is growing longer and thicker but still not as thick as my other hair. I have gained density on my scalp because I buzzed my hair and they look and feel different than last time I buzzed them. I am getting a bit impatient though. It's been 3 to 4 months since I started and I don't know when that bald will start filling in or will it ever fill in.

I am looking at hair transplants currently for hairline and crown area. I figured I should get it done and enjoy a full head of hair for a few more years before things start to go south again.

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No sheds so far at all BTW.

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Pics also included in this update. Buzzed hair.



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No it still is.

My pics on top aren't old but just 3 days before I buzzed my hair. The problem is under harsh light the bald spot is visible because of diffuse thinning. I have definitely seen improvement in the 3-4 months I've been on treatment but I want the hole to fill in. The hairline is responding the best but the fuzz is growing very slowly. The regrowing hair are miniaturized and coloured. I'll give it a 9-12 months.

The buzz cut makes it look much better than it is. Save the pic on PC and then zoom in.

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3 on lower sides and back and 4 everywhere else.

Like 3 near both ears and lower part of the back of the head.


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Update : More buzz cut pics. Next group of pics will come after 1 month.


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Update : Retin-a is causing hair to grow on my forehead near those arches. I'll have to groom them. So far retin-a has helped a lot. Loads of new hair appearing on the hairline and the old fuzz is getting longer. Some of those hair are turning terminal but so far only those that are near the hairline.


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Man be happy for the hair you got, your loss is minimal, dont be greedy. Wish you best luck with regrowth.


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Update : No more pics from me from now on. Some a$$wipe used my pics and they appeared on a flyer for hair transplant. He used to long hair one as before and short hair one as after giving the illusion. Maybe that ****er thought he could keep on using my pic in the future.

Progress Report : Retin - a seems to be doing a good job. Now that my hair is medium length again my crown and my hairline are both much more dense in new pictures. It's still not enough thought. Reason being that under the sun on the hairline and crown areas the scalp is still visible. So what am I doing? I'm going on a daily regimen of finastride and alternating Dutas along with using minoxidil 5% once every night on the entire scalp beard and a bit on side arches and 3 other times throughout the day on hairline and a little front area in the middle and crown. I can't afford to spend that much on minoxidil to apply it 4 times full dose so this is my solution. For me it actually dries out and makes my hair look full and fluffy with each strand super dry so I don't care about the look.

I will be doing this regimen for the next 6 months.

Been doing gym daily too and that is working out great so overall I'm a happy guy.

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I would also like to say that don't wait guys because you might like me think you could pull off bald but unless you look like
[h=3]Fredrik Ljungberg. [/h]
You will regret it so don't even try. Just get on the meds and unless you get sides keep going and win this battle.


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Best of luck! You are not alone. Growing up, my best friend started seriously balding around age 13 or 14. It was a tough time for him, for sure! Thinking about it now, I wish I had known enough to be more supportive.


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OK I am going to post some pics even thought that scam doctor might use them on his flyers but I want your opinion.

Is it working or is it just camouflage?

My latest pics,


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Should I go for hair transplant to thicken up my crown and hairline?


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Nice regrowth man! You havent even been on treatment for a year so you can keep improving. Keep up with the regime, but keep us updates its nice to see someone young responding to treatment.


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Nice regrowth man! You havent even been on treatment for a year so you can keep improving. Keep up with the regime, but keep us updates its nice to see someone young responding to treatment.

I am currently on finasteride and dutasteride alternating days.

Finpecia is really cheap but dutasteride is a bit expensive so I'm doing alternating day dutasteride with finasteride in between.

Retin a twice a week and nizoral on sunday and wednesday. minoxidil is 3 times a day approx.

Lets see if there is a shed because so far not much. I'm waiting for a big shed.