My story - 21 M Norwood 6 DPA


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I started balding when i was 14. It was so slow that i didn't mind. The problem with diffuse thinning is that you wont notice until it's bad. From the mirror it looks great but when you see the top of your head you cry.

About tho years ago my hair loss started do be noticeable so i went to a derm that was more interested in selling his mesotherapy that would cost me 900€.

As i didnt have the money for the treatment i didnt care. Up until recently i started noticing my scalp so i jumped on the net to search for treamtmets and found about finasteride and minoxidil.

Started taking finasteride at 10/02. Going to get minoxidil soon.

Hope that i can get some of the hair back, as about 1.5 Y nobody could see my hair loss.

Here are some photos so i can document my progress.

front / top comb / top no comb / top no comb flash

Wish me luck


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My Regimen
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Wait a year and see whats happen, I thing you can back some hair back :D
Boa sorte


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I don't get why on my phone sometimes image load up or provide a link and other times its just a paper clip image. Does it have to do with how image attachments are done?


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Wow m8, life can be so cruel. Lets hope the finasteride+minoxidil combo makes it grow back. Research shows that minoxidil is more effective on diffuse thinners, so i guesse you have good chances.


Experienced Member
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Guys who are diffuse tend to respond better to finasteride/min probably cause you don't have to fill in the dreaded temple zones. I seriously rather have diffuse than recession, but lucky me I got them both.

Stick to it your gonna get your hair back.


New Member
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Im 21 too and think im suffering from diffuse thinning

After reading your post about diffuse thinning, i cant help but feel i can relate although everybody tells me im not loosing my hair, eg when i ask my barber and friends although im sure somethings not right. I loose 20-30 hairs in the shower and my widows peak has got thinner over the last 3 years. I think its too early to take finasteride or minoxidil but at the same time im thinking shall i try and beat hair loss as early as possible??