My Regrowth From The Pizza Diet Regimen

long hair

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hmmm ... nice result ,it seems like a delicious treatment much cheese they add saying that because cheese probably bend to your androgen receptors and keep the dht a way.
can i just blend it and apply directly to my scalp ,using dermaroller will make it absorb fast ,this is good for faster regrowth:)


My Regimen
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You are kidding, right? Have you been on big 3 or something else besides your diet? And how old are you?


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Let's have people who are NOT on any regimen try this.

Anyone willing to do this, show up, report and confirm. We need a couple cases of this happening. Remember, not everyone has the same sensitivity.

long hair

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You have to ingest it orally so that it goes systemic.
ya but am afraid eating this for long term can cause you gyno and low libido ,you need to to cut the pizza to the half ,you can use bill cutter.
keep your eye on your chest so you can react before too late.
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I heard that the real secret is shoving the side-order of Domino's cinnastix up your bum.

Any volunteer?


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Couldn't you just consume raw tomato juice to increase it's effect?

Let's get people to try raw tomato juice.


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Actually, Lycopene is more concentrated in tomato paste and similar products, than just raw tomato juice.

If this is truly a "Lycopene Regimen", you'd have to find a source of concentrated Lycopene, extracts and all that.


My Regimen
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Of course the second picture is taken from a better angle and a better lighting. This screams chili-flavored oil.
Can you post pictures taken with a Canon I Mark III and upload the RAW files if you don't mind? Then compare after six kilos.


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Of course the second picture is taken from a better angle and a better lighting. This screams chili-flavored oil.
Can you post pictures taken with a Canon I Mark III and upload the RAW files if you don't mind? Then compare after six kilos.

Winner winner chicken dinner! It's so easy to get regrowth. All you have to do is change the lighting. These pictures were taken about ten seconds apart, just in different lighting. I posted this to show you guys how easy it is to be fooled by photos, so that you hopefully won't fall prey to scams like reboost. The first photo is directly under the light, and the second one is off to the side. Nothing else was changed, even the angle is the same. Now imagine the effect they can create when they change the camera settings, brush the hair a different way, and use different angles. Be skeptical my friends. Congrats to Roberto for being the only one to notice.

Balding curse

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Great result! are you using soda topically with pizza, and have you got any side effects?

Guys on other fourms are using cheeseburger orally with topical hot sauce a guy claimed he grew all his hair back on cheeseburger regimen.


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Great result! are you using soda topically with pizza, and have you got any side effects?

Guys on other fourms are using cheeseburger orally with topical hot sauce a guy claimed he grew all his hair back on cheeseburger regimen.

Cheeseburgers and pizza. I think we have figured out why Elvis had such great hair.


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I know this is a 2 year old thread, but how’s the progress? Are you still eating pizza every day or have you died of a heart attack?


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noticed the lighting and brushing right away :)
its the first thing I look for now after taking so many photos of my own head over the last year. I can take a photo where I look NW2 and then turn my head and take a photo and look NW5