My Progress So Far 3 Months


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Hi there,

So here's some photos three months into my treatment. I don't have any photos taken before I started however you can see a lot of the hairs growing around my temple area. I use (prescribed by Dr. Robert Jones) 12%minoxidil applied before bed daily (Liquid roughly 1ml), Proscar cut into 4 - 1.25 mg and nizoral 2% 3 times weekly.

I'm 24yrs old. I am thinning .... At least I think so around my temples and just over the temple (on top) feels thinner then it did. What scares me is my older brother has shed a lot of his hair away. He is diffused I believe and takes after my mothers side. But I feel I take more after my father which at 58 years old now has thinned out hair and a circle pattern at the back but still hair that looks alright grown out. (not where I want to be by his age but still!) My biggest question is I think I caught it early ... if this being true do I have to worry about my hair turning out like my older brothers? The Doctor who prescribe me the treatment said If I stuck with it I would never go bald ...... Is this a good possibility?

What I've notice over the first three months. I no longer loose any hairs ... I had a bit of a shed in month two 30-40 after shower.... But now I only see 2-3 hairs in my hands after shampooing and pretty much none in my towel after drying it. And a bunch of tiny hairs coming in around my hairline. I plan to stick with it forever. I play in a rock band as the lead singer and my hair is important for the whole image of the band. I have experienced no side effects a side from minor ball ache.

Would like to thank this forum and other for giving me the inspiration to go forward with my treatment and great advice to put my worried mind a little more at ease.

I'll be posting more pictures after 6 months. And maybe a shot of my hair out of the shower wet. Let me know what you guys think!



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I've started finasteride and oral spironolactone a few months ago too, and I'm getting those little hairs you're getting too. I can't tell if this is a good thing (they're coming in where they haven't been during the last few hair cycles) or a bad thing (the hair that was there is growing in thinner and weaker). I've just noticed my hairline has been getting worse, but the rest of my hair is getting much better.

Did you ask your doctor for Nizoral 2%? And where/how the heck did you get 12% minoxidil? o_O


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I can assure these are new regrown hairs from my old hairline that has fallen out. My hairline has only gotten better since I started minoxidil. I get the 12% treatment from dr.Robert Jones in Toronto Canada.


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Interesting... I'd love to get on minoxidil, especially 12%... though I'm in the US, and my doctor is trying to tell me 2% will kill me since it'll lower my blood pressure... Which is BS. Anywho, I'll keep checking out this thread, keep us updated on your progress, man! And thanks for sharing :)


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Np! I can see why people don't bother posting their results considering no one replies to the threads...


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I can see why noone is replying to the thread Johnny Rock

Your hair was already good before you started! I can see the tiniest bit of thinning but really there was never going to be a massive improvement cause there was very little room for improvement!

So, well done for doing something very early, but don't be surprised that noone finds your improvements particularly stunning!


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Ya I know I'm just new to this .... I was just looking for a reinsurance that I caught it early .... Where would you say there is noticable thinning? And would you think this would improve stating on the big three?



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Obviously, your own opinion is more important than mine, but I think that if you maintain what you have you should be happy.

You caught it at the perfect time. So, I would guess that you don't need to change anything that you're doing. With the Big 3 You're using a combination of the best treatments out there.

seriously, your thinning is ONLY just about noticeable when you actually pull back your hair and point it out. So, as long as you maintain, you should be fine