My parents are f*ckin morons


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i just saw them and they saw my hair for the first time in a while............had the nerve to say it was fine. they think that everyone has a v shaped hairline and a hairline isnt supposed to be straight and you arent supposed to have temples.

im not one of the idiots here who has lost 2 centimeters of their total hair and think theyre going bald but im certainly losing hair. not a NW5 or anythin but definitely NW2. its obvious im losing hair, my temples are gone and i shed hair like crazy in the shower or on my pillow.

there also wasnt enough light for them to see that im thinning all at the top...theres bald patches all around on the top where you can see my scalp

these are the same morons who didnt believe when i told them something was wrong with me and cant even notice my whole face is red "your face looks fine" when i look like a damn tomato

this just pisses me off further. does anyone have family who tells you you arent losing hair?


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They just want you to feel more comfortable with your hairloss.

Your parents love you and even if they are not honest about your hairloss, they weren't born like that, we all have a different life that make us do mistakes about our thoughts on different subjects.

So forgive them if you feel they're not honest with you.
And come on man, I'm sure you've seen a lot of people on the street with a worse hairloss than you.


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Agreed, chill out dude... Calling your parents f'in morons because they don't want you to feel bad about your hairloss? Would you rather have them tell you Ya your are gonna be bald as f*** man! Tough break kiddo! Would that make it easier on you? Someday you will have kids and hopefully then you will appreciate their kindness.


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I agree w/ everyone else. They were being supportive. You should be ashamed.

Hans Gruber

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tiredofloss ,thats pretty fucked up calling ya parents morons.......mine tell me my hair is fine because to them it is,to me it isnt

you got more problems than hairloss......


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I love it when everyone jumps on the bash wagon on this website. Grow up people, it IS annoying when parents say your hair is fine, I get pissed too, stop bashing the TC. :roll:


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There's a difference between being annoyed and labeling them "f*ckin morons."

I have no sympathy for the hair loss plight of someone who'd say such a thing for such a juvenile reason.


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Hairloss sucks man but shame on you for talking about your parenting in such a condescending manner. I have inherited my share of bad genes from my parents. Along with hairloss, I have terrible arthiritis that is killing me as an athlete. But I still love my parents to death and will always be in debt to them for giving up their dreams so i could live mine. How can you be so shallow? :nono:


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yeah my family say the same thing. they're just trying to be nice .. go easy eh?

Hans Gruber

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Iowaya said:
I love it when everyone jumps on the bash wagon on this website. Grow up people, it IS annoying when parents say your hair is fine, I get pissed too, stop bashing the TC. :roll:

i love it when someone tries to defend juvenile behaviour just to go against the general consensus


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tiredofloss said:
i just saw them and they saw my hair for the first time in a while............had the nerve to say it was fine. they think that everyone has a v shaped hairline and a hairline isnt supposed to be straight and you arent supposed to have temples.

im not one of the idiots here who has lost 2 centimeters of their total hair and think theyre going bald but im certainly losing hair. not a NW5 or anythin but definitely NW2. its obvious im losing hair, my temples are gone and i shed hair like crazy in the shower or on my pillow.

there also wasnt enough light for them to see that im thinning all at the top...theres bald patches all around on the top where you can see my scalp

these are the same morons who didnt believe when i told them something was wrong with me and cant even notice my whole face is red "your face looks fine" when i look like a damn tomato

this just pisses me off further. does anyone have family who tells you you arent losing hair?
i agree with you ,they probably think your not going bald because people who are not going bald don't notice density of hair but when you become obviousl bald they will say how did thet happen


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LOL@all of yall

my mom claimed i was losing my hair cuz i wear a cap

thats not moronic?

theyre morons before i started losing hair

get a clue :roll:


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tiredofloss said:
LOL@all of yall

my mom claimed i was losing my hair cuz i wear a cap

thats not moronic?

theyre morons before i started losing hair

get a clue :roll:

Well don't expect any moral support from any of the sensible people on this forum who respect their parents... Saying your parents are "f*ckin morons" just makes you appear ignorant and immature. There are better ways to word something like that if you wish to actually get a serious response. By the sounds of things you are more upset by the fact that you had to inherit the MBP gene from them, rather than the fact they don't want to hurt your feelings.

What would you say if your sister or close female friend asked your opinion on her weight? Fat or not, I bet you'd still say the same thing...


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tiredofloss said:
LOL@all of yall

my mom claimed i was losing my hair cuz i wear a cap

thats not moronic?

theyre morons before i started losing hair

get a clue :roll:

Hi there! You're a f*****g idiot, maybe you take after your parents? Haha, just kidding, your parents seem fairly normal. The cap-causes-hairloss thing is quite a common (but incorrect) assumption. If you'd read around these forums, you'd see that. So you get a clue; a lot of people have similar issues with their family but still manage to avoid insulting them.


Yeah, I live with my mother and she is the same:

"No, your hair isn´t thin!"
"No, you are not ugly"
"No, you are not fat"
"No, you are not stupid"

Damn, pisses me off so much. She just doesn´t want to face reality that she gave birth to a fucked up loser.


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No she gave birth to a child who then went on to become a ....

Thinning fast

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The best part of me ran down my mama's leg when I was conceived. That's the only explanation for my male pattern baldness genes which have screwed up my life. Life is cruel. :thumbsdown:


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Thinning fast said:
The best part of me ran down my mama's leg when I was conceived. That's the only explanation for my male pattern baldness genes which have screwed up my life. Life is cruel. :thumbsdown:

...yeah because had it been any one of those how-many-million other sperm that beat you to the ovum, you would've been Brad Pitt. :jackit: :shakehead:

Thinning fast

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Maxpwr said:
Thinning fast said:
The best part of me ran down my mama's leg when I was conceived. That's the only explanation for my male pattern baldness genes which have screwed up my life. Life is cruel. :thumbsdown:

...yeah because had it been any one of those how-many-million other sperm that beat you to the ovum, you would've been Brad Pitt. :jackit: :shakehead:

I would not have been Brad Pit, but things would have been a hell of a lot better than they are now. My mom would have had a son with thick beautiful locks of hair who in turn would have been succesful and married by now. She would have grandkids and been very happy right now instead of having to see her circus freak, balding, loser son that was cruelly given to her.

I don't even call my parents anymore due to shame. I always have an excuse for them as to why I cant come over to visit. (Sick, busy working, etc.) I have to admit though, it is pretty hard spending Christmass, my birthday, thanksgiving, all alone and you never really get used to it. I was thinking of getting life insurance on myself and hopefuly dying in a car accident. She could get some money out of this and move on. It's the least I could do.


Thinning fast said:
I would not have been Brad Pit, but things would have been a hell of a lot better than they are now. My mom would have had a son with thick beautiful locks of hair who in turn would have been succesful and married by now. She would have grandkids and been very happy right now instead of having to see her circus freak, balding, loser son that was cruelly given to her.

I don't even call my parents anymore due to shame. I always have an excuse for them as to why I cant come over to visit. (Sick, busy working, etc.) I have to admit though, it is pretty hard spending Christmass, my birthday, thanksgiving, all alone and you never really get used to it. I was thinking of getting life insurance on myself and hopefuly dying in a car accident. She could get some money out of this and move on. It's the least I could do.

It sounds very sad, but you still seem to love your parents. And I am sure they love you, too even though you are a balding loser. Your mother isn´t like other women. To her you are always the most beautiful one on earth, no matter how ugly you really are. It is the same with my mother. She just won´t understand. I have never presented her my girlfriend (because I never had one :jackit: ) but she still seems to think I am doing alright :doh:

How old are you if i may ask?