My new routine


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A few months ago, I was reading everything I could on hairloss. I was looking into all sorts of experimental topicals and treatments, looking for things to add, and spending money on supplys. For those who read my hairloss guide, you know what I'm talking about. I was thinking of adding spironolactone, Zix, Emu, and even 6-BAP!

I had shaved my head after month 2. Started growing it out at month 4, and found it had started filling in nicely. In fact, its grown in so nicely, that although I can still see scalp, I'm totally confident, and nobody can tell I'm balding. Since then, my routine has changed somewhat. Heres a new breakdown

1.25mg finasteride daily (I have continued to be very good about this)

2ml minoxidil 2x/day IF i remember, and IF I'm not meeting up with a girl that day. Otherwise I'll skip one dose, or even both. I try to be good with it, as its what has given me the early results, but I have been skpping it more and more often.

nizoral -Once every 2-5 days, when I think of it and think I need it

GSE - When I remember, maybe 1/2 days. I like this stuff tho. I dunno why but I think it helps.

LaserComb - This thing is gathering dust. I use it mayb once a week. I really should be more diligent, as I think it probably does help and I spent an awful lot of money on it, but I always seem to have something better to do

MSM - Ah, forget this stuff. Just means I have to get my hair cut more often.

Folligen - I give myself a few spritz's of it every couple of days when it seems like a good idea.

In otherwords, I'm slacking hardcore.. which is why I have that new tagline. To remind myself. I cannot let this success go to my head. Slackers do not keep their hair. Slackers go bald!

This reminds me. Time for a minoxidil app!

On a related topic, I caught one of my hairs falling out today (havent been losing many hairs since the minoxidil shed stopped), and there was a rather striking thickening towards the root with a white bulb at the end. I'm going to frame the hair and put it on my wall.



I would suggest adding Folligen shampoo and conditioner and using the theray spray daily. I use a dropper for the therapy spray.

Good luck


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I briefly read your "hairloss guide." I see you are currently utilizing 7 treatments. If you are satisfied with the results under this regimine then do not change a thing. However, my advice, should you need it would be to add dutasteride. As for the cost, I am paying less than $50 a month for it. This would also allow you to eliminate other treatments. The dutasteride will most likely allow you to recruit more follicules especially while using minoxidil. By the way, keep using the lasercomb (the phase III data will be published shortly).


P.S. dutasteride. may allow you to drop everything else (even minoxidil) if you want maintenance.


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Thanks Bruce. Using a dropper is a good idea. Considering I'm not shedding at all, and considering the price of Folligen, I dont think I can hang with daily apps, but I'll give it a go at every other day.

And thanks for the advice, Maddoc. Considering I've been totally satisfied with my success to this point, I'll hold off on the dutasteride until the finasteride stops working. If OSH101 doesnt save my ***, riding out finasteride and dutasteride for their durations should still keep hair on my head for a decade or so.


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OSH101 is a topical derived from an unreleased osteoporosis drug. In addition to assisting bone growth, OSH101 has been shown to grow hair far beyond the capabilities of Rogaine,. in laboratory mice. They are going through Phase 1 human trials now, I believe. Still there hasn't been any word on how well it works VS androgenetic alopecia yet.

If it lives up to the hype, not only will this topical be far more effective then anything else out there, it will not be a daily routine! Hair will not be dependant on it for continued growth. It would be applied daily for a few weeks/months (I forget how the trials are set), and then I would assume your hair would look great for months or even years before male pattern baldness kicks in again and its time for another round.

They've got a website here:
Most of it is in regards to osteoporosis, but if you click on 'projects', you'll see a link for alopecia.
Heres a thread I posted on it two months ago: ... ght=osh101


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That stuff sounds awesome flux!!20 yrs. from now people will have so many more options than we have. I guess we can't complain. Imagine not having anything to help us out.Even though nothing has worked for me yet,atleast I have some kind of hope.