My long-term finasteride experience


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I've been on finasteride for more than six years, and its been very effective up until this last year. I'm a diffuse thinner on my entire crown area, and there is no question that it thickened up my hair substantially. I've been taking 1/4 proscar every evening (1.25 mg finasteride). Right at the six year mark I noticed that things were getting thin again, and I went to my GP and asked him if I could up the dosage, and he said no problem, so I went to two 1.25 doses per day.

At the 2.5mg level, I am almost unable to perform sexually, due to instantly vanishing erections. Its almost like hitting an "off" switch if I get a minor distraction, such as reaching for a condom. I'm generally in excellent health, and miraculously, I clued in that maybe the finasteride was to blame.

I am such an idiot. For several years I have had sexual problems (both libido and unreliable erections), but I had chalked it up to anxiety and getting older!! (I am in my mid 40s now). It never dawned on me that my problems might be related to finasteride, because 1) My initial reaction to finasteride was to be extra horny for a few weeks - so I thought my body would simply down-regulate to "normal", and 2) The product monograph cites that only 1.8 percent of men experienced sexual problems, and half of those problems were not due to the drug! (ie. about 1 percent of men on a placebo had the same complaints.) So I figured it was highly unlikely that I would get any of these side effects.

Looking back at the past few years, I can now see a lot of problems I'd been having in a new light. Specifically:

- Fluctuating libido. I'd be horny for a few days, then nada for a week or two. Overall the trend was significantly reduced libido - I used to masturbate nightly when I didn't have a partner.. those days are gone. I figured it was age.
- Unreliable erections. I had figured this loss of erections was just psychological so I never figured it was "erectile dysfunction". Turns out I was wrong, as v**** completely resolves this issue for me.
- Less than hard erections. I got used to putting a condom on a semi-hard erection.. just figured that it was age.
- Loss of morning erections. Again I figured this was age.

Over the past couple of years I also have developed the following symptoms, which I believe are possibly due to elevated Estrogen levels:
- Soft skin. I have had several women in the past year comment how amazingly soft my skin was. It never dawned on me that this might be a hormonal problem.
- Sensitive nipples. Fortunately, no gyno breast development (which I would have definitely clued in as being hormonal).
- Migraine headaches. I've never had these in my life until the past 2 years. Quite possibly related to estrogen levels in the brain.

Overall I feel like a complete fool for not having clued in sooner that I had physical disorders rather than pyschological and aging issues. This summer I was dating an amazingly beautiful woman.. 6 foot blonde, ex-model, slim, great body, strikingly attractive, but I just never lusted after her, and things in the bedroom were not stellar. When she learned I was taking finasteride, she had BEGGED me to go off of it! But reading up on the side effects of finasteride, I figured the chances that I was a victim of side effects were extremely remote, so I said no way (I didn't want to lose my hair over a 1% chance of side effects!). Sooo... I broke up with her because I figured the sexual issues were because she just wasn't my "type"! Unbelievable, right? Wrong.

So, I just quit the finasteride for good. I have no idea how long it will take my body to recalibrate my hormones, as I think they have been out of whack for several years. In the meantime I am stuck with v****/Cialis etc. until I can recover. Once I do recover I will post again, as there seems to be not much info out there on how long it takes to get over the sexual side-effects of finasteride after long-term usage.

So here is my advice people: If you're on finasteride, don't be complacent! Listen to your body. If you feel something is not right, don't just chalk it up to getting older or performance anxiety. This is a powerful drug, and should be treated with the caution and respect it deserves. Its not a magic "get hair" pill without any risks, as Merck seems to want us to believe.


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was it worth it to be on it for six years... and now you want to stop it, since the side effect are appearing.


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Possibly worth it for the first couple of years.. though if it takes a long time for me to get my mojo back, I would have to say definitely not worth it! I feel that the last several years as the side effects have grown, I have paid way too high of a price in terms of quality of life. I just wish I had been more aware of how prevalent the sexual side effects actually are, as I would have been much more on the lookout for them.

The stuff did work for me though, for about 5+ years. I had significant regrowth, and maintained it until recently. I did not use any other type of hair growth products in that period.


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why wouldn't you just toss in some rogaine/revivogen/nizoral to help maintain? they have no sexual side effects, or is hair loss just not that big of a deal for you anymore


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I've been on finasteride for almost a year and have never experienced ANY chance in libido or other sexual side effects.

Feel as good as I ever did.

Sorry it happened to you. Now, if I could just get finasteride to maintain my hair for the next five years........


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Rogaine etc. is not really a convenient option because I am a diffuse thinner, and would have to put the stuff on the entire top of my head, mixed into my current hair (doesn't sound like fun to me!).

I'm going to start using Nizoral shampoo though, as I understand using it 2-4 times per week is about the same effectiveness as minoxidil 2%.

I'm not knocking the effectiveness of finasteride (it worked for me!).. but wish I had been more on the lookout for sexual side effects - it would have saved me a lot of grief if I'd clued in much sooner!


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Ha. Or who knows, maybe you'd be bald by now if you hadn't taken it and you would have had even MORE grief.

Just a thought.


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The thing of it is... you appear to have been taking MORE than the average dose from the get go. It's not so surprising that you might have had some side effects.

Did you ever think about taking .5mg. Studies show there isn't a lot of difference between those doses as far as your hair goes but side effects should be less. On the flip side 2.5mg wouldn't have been much more effective than 1.25, either, yet the side effects would have been quite a bit worse if you were already experiencing them.


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I wouldn't consider going back on it until the side effects have resolved themselves. At that point I could consider 0.5mg and see how it goes (I do have lots of proscar left), but I'm guessing that the side effects are caused by the same processes that help the hair.. ie the reduction of conversion of testosterone to DHT. Plus after 5 years the finasteride at 1.25mg was losing its effectiveness at maintaining hair anyway, so its hard to imagine 0.5 as being very useful (the 2.5mg I was on for 4 months was thickening up the hair again, so there seems to be some resistance factors going on with long-term usage).

As to whether a person is better off bald or limp... well thats for each of us to decide, and probably depends on "how bald" and "how limp"! At a certain point though, sexual problems definitely outweigh hair problems.

Reaction to these drugs is very individual - I wouldn't generalize from my own experience except to say to others keep your eyes wide open, and be aware you are playing with fundamental hormone chemistry in your body.


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Roberto said:
so I went to two 1.25 doses per day.

At the 2.5mg level, I am almost unable to perform sexually, due to instantly vanishing erections. Its almost like hitting an "off" switch if I get a minor distraction, such as reaching for a condom. I'm generally in excellent health, and miraculously, I clued in that maybe the finasteride was to blame.

I need to point this part out. He was taking well above the FDA proven dose for hairloss.I don't mean to dismiss his post but I wanted to make sure everyone understood this aspect of his regimen. Most people that read these forums are new and never for the lurkers out there, understand this.


I find this very interesting. In your position I would have done the exact same thing for a shot at keeping my hair. Please keep us updated on what you do next. Thank you for posting this and pointing out your dosage.

Have a look at this guys story on a possible alternative to Finasteride. ... 96&start=0


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Rez said:
How do you know your issues were not a pyschological and/or aging ?


I don't want to minimize your problem here, because I really do feel for someone in your situation. But if you're off finasteride now and the symptoms persist, how can you know for sure that it was finasteride that caused this?


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Roberto -

Welcome to the forums and thank you for your post.

Roberto said:
I went to my GP and asked him if I could up the dosage, and he said no problem, so I went to two 1.25 doses per day.
At the 2.5mg level, I am almost unable to perform sexually, due to instantly vanishing erections.
According to the study data out there, increasing to anything above 1.25mg is only going to increase side effects, not help the hair very much. It will get some outliers, but going up to 2.5mg per day definitely was going to cause more side effects and not much benefit to the hair.

Roberto said:
So, I just quit the finasteride for good.
Probably a good idea. Its smart that you listen to your body. Most guys don't have these problems, or ... like me ... and you ... they develop them later on down the line after several years on Propecia. At that point its smart to listen to your body and consider an alternative DHT inhibiting regimen.

Roberto said:
I have no idea how long it will take my body to recalibrate my hormones, as I think they have been out of whack for several years.
Not too long. Maybe a week or two. Its pretty quick. Propecia side effects go away when you stop the drug, for the vast majority of people. You should be fine soon. I also had migraines (COUGH Bryan Shelton? COUGH) and it was no doubt from the Propecia. Aren't they horrible? I began referring to them as my "Propecia Headache" because it was always in the same exact location in my head, and I never got headaches there before or after.

Roberto said:
In the meantime I am stuck with v****/Cialis etc. until I can recover.
Do this. It will aid your recovery significantly faster:

1. Go to GNC and buy Mega Man Multivitamins.
2. Refrain from any masturbation for 3 to 7 days (depending on your willpower, but do your best, don't even touch it)
3. Take 1 Mega Man Vitamin per day. Do not take 2. Do not take 5. Just one.
4. Drink 8 cups of water per day religiously for that 7 days.

I predict by the 7th day you will be raging and ready to go again. I would advise AGAINST using the mega man vitamins on an ongoing basis. They're just too strong for anyone who isn't a bodybuilder (my opinion). Use them only for a few days at a time to help increase libido because they work like a charm.

Roberto said:
Once I do recover I will post again, as there seems to be not much info out there on how long it takes to get over the sexual side-effects of finasteride after long-term usage.
It took me about a week at most.

Roberto said:
So here is my advice people: If you're on finasteride, don't be complacent! Listen to your body.
Amen brother!


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Yeah you know what? something i just realized... you *have* been taking too much of it from the get go.

I didnt realize you were doing 1.25mg every day.

The % of people who see side effects on that dose is much higher than people on 1mg daily!

I was going to say good idea to stop the finasteride, but now I would say you should try it at 1mg ... just go get the US made stuff and take it every day at noon exactly ... keep things stable... you may have no further problems. You were indeed taking too much of it and it is indeed more common to see SideFX at that dose.


HairlossTalk said:
I didnt realize you were doing 1.25mg every day.

The % of people who see side effects on that dose is much higher than people on 1mg daily!, do you have any figures, data or links about this.

I would be interested to look this up as I am on 1.25mg/day




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You'll get your answer when I get my avatar!! :D


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How do you know your issues were not a pyschological and/or aging ?

A couple of reasons I believe it was the finasteride:
- The same symptoms I had went from fairly-bad to very-bad with a dosage increase. Ie. there were no "new" symptoms, just a worsening of things I'd already been experiencing.
- I've now seen many reports of very similar side effects from others (such as cyclic libido up and down). If my symptoms were a lot different, I'd be a bit more cautious about concluding things.
- v**** totally changed the way my body behaves.. erections are much more resiliant - basically back to normal. The difference is like night and day, so I believe there is something physical going on there as far as the ED goes. While I suppose this might be partially age related, I no longer think it is psychological.
- I'm only 45, so my body shouldn't be behaving like a 75 year old in bed, as I am fit and in good health. Its not like I have other conditions like diabetes etc.

Of course the proof is in the pudding, and time will tell as I recover from the side effects how much is natural and how much was the finasteride. Like I said I'll keep you all posted.

I've only been off it for a couple of days now, so if I am back to normal in a couple of weeks I might consider trying again with a much reduced dosage. If it takes a long time to recover, I'd be pretty hesitant to try again, as I'd really worry about what its doing to my body.


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Funny how both and roberto had migraines and related it to finasteride.

I had bloody noses off and on (3-4 times a day) for the last 3-4 months while on finasteride... kind of interesting non the less