My little stroy


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So here is my story. I'm a guy 25 year old guy. I have androgenetic alopecia NW5A diffuse. I would say that my hairloss has been really hard to cope with. I tried many solutions but never on the long run.

I started loosing my hair pretty soon, around 16 yo on the temples. Slowly but surely came the crown. I tried Minoxidil and propecia, no side effects for the last but the first really got my scalp itchy when they gave me alostil instead of the minoxidil brand. I took hair medications for one year and a half. I did see results, pretty good results. But people were trying to freaking me out about propecia and doctor said I had to stop because it is not good to take for too long (when now I Know it's a lifetime medication). So back to losing my hair and more quickly than before the medication. I tried hair piece. Not my thing. All that glue, alcohol and stress of being busted really didn't do much to make me feel better. I would even say, in some ways, I'm more confident without because I got nothing to hide!

For the "natural" stuff. I tried many stuff. They believe it's a deficiency that can be cured but vitamins and I don't know what esoteric diet and balm. But I tell you the truth : I never smoked nothing in my life, I don't drink nor alcohol neither soda, I eat nothing but what I cook which is mainly poultry and vegetables. I do practice sport every single day for an hour and a half. Yes I'm a really really stressed kind of people and I lack of self confidence, but so other persons with hair. So I'm a healthy person. And I've came to the fact, in my case at least, that my alopecia is not a disease. I don't know what it is, but it is here and if I keep on believing that prayers do miracles it it will ruine my self esteem for ever and ever.

So the next step is surgery. It is for soon and I know it is the right choice. I've chosen a very good surgeon and whatever may happen after I'm confident right now. I'm here not to feel so opressed by my hairloss for now.

If you have any question let me know.
