My job interviews over the years.



Ages 16-21 (1996-2001) I attended 6 interviews, getting 5 of the jobs in that 5 year time period. Not just any jobs - good jobs. Insurance company, Real Tennis Assistant proffessional to name a couple.

Suddenly hair loss hits me, ages 22- present (2002-). Even though I act the same, which is normal - if anything, better - things are different.

I attended 9 job interviews in the past 3 years but failed to get hardly any of them, only just scraping through in a couple.

It is no coincidence to me. It’s because of my hair loss.

People treat you differently.

No one is going to help you.

It all happens silently.

You are on your own basically.

No one will understand the situation you're in. Do not, I repeat do not even bother talking to parents about it.

Even if you do and they say they understand, they do not.

You're on your own with this. Only you can get it back to how it was. Probably via a hair transplant.

All in all, nothing is the same anymore. It's a far cry from before when you felt great when music would come on, for example.

That doesnt happen with me anymore. Understand me here?

Noticeable hair loss means your whole world changes.

If I didn’t have the hair-loss (or just had cosmically acceptable hair loss) then my attitude would be different, as I’d be smiling the entire time, instead of putting on the fake face, that I now do.


SE-freak said:
So Gunner you didn't see any improvement being on the big 3?

Now you’ve mentioned it, here’s the cold water:-

Been on finasteride since March 2003 (Fincar, Proscar, Propecia) - with a 3 month use of dutasteride this year.

It has failed me dramatically. When I started, I was the best candidate for finasteride, but it just is not cutting the mustard for me. I haven’t had any sides or anything.

I’m just not even getting maintenance, but I have to use it.

I’m not saying it’s a bad drug in general, but it has been for me.

If this is the best drug we have.

Fcuk. We. Are. Screwed.

But most of us know the situation anyway, so...

With regards to the minoxidil:-

Been on minoxidil since (Mar-Oct '03) December 2003.

We know what that is.

It’s just massive straw clutching imo.

And that’s just in a nutshell.

One day I might write a few pages on my situation, whilst having a rifle pointed at my head, but I'm not quite in the mood now.


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Gunner said:
People treat you differently.

No one is going to help you.

It all happens silently.

You are on your own basically.

No one will understand the situation you're in. Do not, I repeat do not even bother talking to parents about it.

Even if you do and they say they understand, they do not.

You're on your own with this. Only you can get it back to how it was. Probably via a hair transplant.

All in all, nothing is the same anymore. It's a far cry from before when you felt great when music would come on, for example.

That doesnt happen with me anymore. Understand me here?

Noticeable hair loss means your whole world changes.

If I didn’t have the hair-loss (or just had cosmically acceptable hair loss) then my attitude would be different, as I’d be smiling the entire time, instead of putting on the fake face, that I now do.

so true...all of it


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Wow--hair loss is tough man.
I remember having all those feelings at age 23 when I felt like I was doomed because of hair loss. The line about music struck a chord with me, as I remember having that same feeling in my early 20's (not getting excited about music).

I've been fortunate that propecia has maintained what I had when I started, going on 6 years now (knock on wood). But I feel ya man.

The impact hair loss had on me at age 23 has actually been an inspiration for me to attend pharmacy school.


STABBER?! You said you would never come back here and that you have moved on with your bic head! :shock:


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gunner, were you just applying for hair model jobs in shampoo commercials? maybe you should shoot for another field. :lol:


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To be fair Gunner from the last lot of pics you posted it appears you're maintaning.. have you tried growing your hair out a bit and using couvre or summink? I know it's a pain but at least then your hair would be "cosmetically acceptable"... I can't go out unless I've just washed my hair and it's all fluffy or if I use gel I have to put couvre or nanofibres in :(

And I don't think dutasteride for 3 months is nowhere near long enough, some people have had no results with finasteride then gone on to dutasteride and had amazing results!

Good luck buddy


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Stabber said:
Gunner said:
People treat you differently.

No one is going to help you.

It all happens silently.

You are on your own basically.

No one will understand the situation you're in. Do not, I repeat do not even bother talking to parents about it.

Even if you do and they say they understand, they do not.

You're on your own with this. Only you can get it back to how it was. Probably via a hair transplant.

All in all, nothing is the same anymore. It's a far cry from before when you felt great when music would come on, for example.

That doesnt happen with me anymore. Understand me here?

Noticeable hair loss means your whole world changes.

If I didn’t have the hair-loss (or just had cosmically acceptable hair loss) then my attitude would be different, as I’d be smiling the entire time, instead of putting on the fake face, that I now do.

so true...all of it

Couldn't have said it better myself. I can't act normal. I don't get excited about stuff like I used to. True that Gunner.


Try and find something to get excited about. Do you know what you want to be when you're older? If so, work as hard at it as you can--find something you want in life more than hair, be it a girlfriend or a record label signing you. In my work place I hear the girls talk about guys all the time (they mentioned Bruce Willis recently) and hair seems to play little part in whether they like a guy. And I live in an extremely superficial town.

Red Rose

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There is no doubt about it that hairloss sucks tramp's c***.

If hairloss hits you hard and it hits you early then, true, it is a devastating blow. If you are not a confident person to begin with or terribly good looking then it is a massive kick in the bollocks.

It is easy to be dismissive and give stock answers such as:- "Personality counts more; hit the gym...etc", when the grass is greener on the other side.


Red Rose said:
There is no doubt about it that hairloss sucks tramp's c***.

If hairloss hits you hard and it hits you early then, true, it is a devastating blow. If you are not a confident person to begin with or terribly good looking then it is a massive kick in the bollocks.

It is easy to be dismissive and give stock answers such as:- "Personality counts more; hit the gym...etc", when the grass is greener on the other side.
Trying to find the value in this comment...mmm...nope, not finding any...


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Went to the last page of impact of hair loss section, saw this, one of the first topics ever made.

Fascinating how the posters change and the conversations stay the same.


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Went to the last page of impact of hair loss section, saw this, one of the first topics ever made.

Fascinating how the posters change and the conversations stay the same.
My thoughts exactly. Time changes along with fashion.. But for the norwood victims, it's still life on the sidelines as a sub.


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Some of the people are dead probably by now.
Yes and to borrow from brother Blackg's point,
Astoundingly even today, the "pop culture" zombie craze here is still quite fashionable.
Try as I must, it gets harder for me not to internalize wave after wave of societal subversion.
Our gravitation to the slime versus the sublime does not help much to fix our preexisting morbid and/or morose bent nature.


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I can relate to that music comment. Btw, refreshing to see someone having an avatar that is related to Metal Gear Solid (@DonaldAnderson). Nice PS One game that was. A great time, played it as an eight-thirteen year old. No worries about hair loss back then.

The thing is, if I did not have hair loss, NOTHING would have changed in my life. I mean, there is not even a single day that I do not think about hair or hair loss or what if... etc. It is very exhausting. Even before I go to sleep, when I wake up, it's hair that I think about. It would be pathetic if it wasn't true. At least, most of the forum members can relate.


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Hair loss makes me less outgoing at certain events, well all events really.