My Hormone Blood Test results - NW3, 24 years old


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TSH: 2.37 (Ref. range 0.40-4.00 uIU/mL)
Free T4: 0.9 (Ref. range 0.5-1.6 ng/dL)
FSH: 2.5 (Ref. range 0.0-14.0 mIU/mL)
LH: 2.4 (Ref. range 0.8-7.6 mIU/ml)
Prolactin: 7.1 (Ref. range 4.4-16.4 ng/mL)
Estradiol: 43 (Ref. range 0-56 pg/mL)

Testosterone: 240 (Ref. range 241-827 ng/dL)
Albumin: 5.1 (Ref. range 3.6-5.1 g/dL)
SHBG: 19 (Ref. range 7-44 nmol/L)
Testosterone Free: 62 (Ref. range 34-194 pg/mL)
Testosterone Free and Weakly Bound: 143 (Ref. range 84-402)

I am 24 years old and a NW3. I've been fighting hairloss with various treatments since I was 18, with obviously poor success. All the men on my father's side of the family are bald, including my father. The doctor said my testosterone levels are rather low and we're going to retest at the beginning of November. He wants me to quit all of my internal supplements so I can see where I'm at fully naturally by then and compare. To those of you who are knowledgeable in hormonal levels and their implications, etc., please comment on this. Maybe we can learn something by looking at the hormonal profile of someone like myself with aggressive balding.


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no DHT levels?


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Are you working out, I think that is supposed to increase the testosterone levels in your body. Don't know if you want that though, I'm just asking in general.


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younghairloss said:
Are you working out, I think that is supposed to increase the testosterone levels in your body. Don't know if you want that though, I'm just asking in general.

I've been working out in the gym lifting weights ever since I was 15, at least 3 times a week. Except for the last couple years I have been slacking and not worked out nearly as much. I've never done steriods or anything like that though.

I've been taking Saw Palmetto extract, mostly at 320mg per day, regularly for the last 4-5 years. I also took Propecia for 6 months on only .5mg or .25mg per day about 1.5 years ago, but had to quit due to sides...


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Your doctor should interpret these.

You can't trust the interpretation of your blood tests to posters on an internet forum.


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Felk said:
Your doctor should interpret these.

You can't trust the interpretation of your blood tests to posters on an internet forum.

I already have gone to a doctor and done that. I am going back to him as you can see in my original post as well...

I know there a some knowledgeable people on this forums regarding hormone levels, so I'm just looking for some insight. I'm either at the very low end of normal or high end of the reference ranges given on all of these tests.


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younghairloss said:
Would you recommend saw palmetto ? Has it benefited you in any way?

I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I did notice that after I started taking it that my sex drive went down slightly, to a more "normal" level I thought, so I didn't think of that as a bad thing. I felt like my hairloss slowed somewhat. But I can't prove it.


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MJT82, are you currently taking treatments such as finasteride/minoxidil?


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RaginDemon said:
MJT82, are you currently taking treatments such as finasteride/minoxidil?

I'm still using minoxidil topically via Rogaine Foam extra strength. But I stopped taking finasteride about a year and a half ago due to bad side effects.


I've always thought free t indicated DHT levels, but my doctor told me no. Your testosterone levels are dangerously low, if you ask me. I would be more concerned with them than hairloss. Low testosterone like that can make you severly depressed.

You are a lot like me... Our hair is very sensitive to DHT, even at low levels.


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it says you have normal hormone levels. we can't measure the DHT in your follicles though.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
it says you have normal hormone levels. we can't measure the DHT in your follicles though.

Then how do we find out if we actually need finasteride?


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I think your results will be very interesting. I would suggest you test your DHT levels (with no internals) next time and then come back a few months later (ater going back on the internals) and retest things. Unfortunately based on your family history, I am sure your follicles are highly sensitive to DHT interaction and baldness is just a reality. I bet the treatments did slow things down a bit so I guess you should enjoy your Norwood-3 when you have it. Obviously society is a vain piece of crap but don't let the hairloss bother you.


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Re: re:

Johnny24601 said:
I think your results will be very interesting. I would suggest you test your DHT levels (with no internals) next time and then come back a few months later (ater going back on the internals) and retest things. Unfortunately based on your family history, I am sure your follicles are highly sensitive to DHT interaction and baldness is just a reality. I bet the treatments did slow things down a bit so I guess you should enjoy your Norwood-3 when you have it. Obviously society is a vain piece of crap but don't let the hairloss bother you.

I agree with the DHT testing apart, but I dont think he can anyhow enjoy his NW3.


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Hormone inbalance can definitely lead to hair loss, consult with a specialist.


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YeahButHesBack said:
I've always thought free t indicated DHT levels, but my doctor told me no. Your testosterone levels are dangerously low, if you ask me. I would be more concerned with them than hairloss. Low testosterone like that can make you severly depressed.

You are a lot like me... Our hair is very sensitive to DHT, even at low levels.

I feel pretty good, even with the low testosterone I was tested at. My sex drive is good, not crazy like it used to be during puberty though. I don't have depression, I'm a pretty positive and happy guy. I am interested in seeing what my results are when I get retested at the end of October.

I'm guessing I've always had higher estrogen levels, because all throughout my teens I had terrible acne and very greasy skin. Then I took Accutane when I was 18 and my skin was perfect for 3 years afterwards. Now my skin, and hair is getting greasier. Acne is getting worse, however MUCH better than it ever was prior to Accutane. Scalp is much greasier too. Interesting how my hairloss has sped up again as this has gotten worse. I've read that their is a link between high estrogen in men and acne.