My Hairloss Story: Am I A Good Fue Candidate ? (nw2 - 2.5, Crown Thinning)


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Hi, I´ve been lurking regularly on this forums for 3 years since I first realized I had male pattern baldness

First time I became aware of my baldness was when a friend told me about a thin spot in my crown in July of 2015 (I was 27 then, now I´m 30). As soon as I spotted it through mirrors and phone selfies, I was terrorized, especially because my hairline was somewhat normal at that time. I also snoted some general thining over the top of the head (no bald spot, just reduced density). After 6 months of researching, I got into the big 3 (finas every other day, minoxidil and keto). Within 4-5 months, results were awesome and practically my whole head was nicely covered in hair. However, based monstly in anecdotes of users from this forums I knew that the initial results were most likely not going to be maintained, and eventually I lost those immediate results, buI think I´ve been above baseline anyayws.

The problems are the following:

1) Although above or at least at baseline after 2.5 years of treatment, my crown spot is still bothering me like hell. Usually it´s not that noticeable given that surrounding hair covers it under a casual hair styling, but sometimes when my hair gets scrambled in certain ways or under intense light, my scalp is clearly visible.

2) I have always been obsessed with the crown and because there was no apparent issue with the hairline, I overlooked it. However, since some months I just got curius about it, and began to pull it up to closely examine it, finding that my hairline is actually irregular (i believe there is some diffuse thinning there) and some temple recession as well. I am not sure if this is progression of male pattern baldness because most of the pictures I have pre-treatment are not very clear enough to make a conclusion given the hairstyle I had, but now my obsession is over this area as well. I believe i´m somewhere between NW2-Norwood-2.5.

So, given all these issues, I want to ask you folks if a hair transplant is a good idea to fill in my crown and PERHAPS to reinforce the hairline a little bit. I was thinking on FUE, but given that I still have some hairs (although at low densities) in the "bald" spot, I am afraid that a transplant would kill the surrounding native hairs so the results would end up being cosmetically insignificant. What would you say about it?

I am uploading some pics.
The first one is my hairline under my USUAL hairstyle. At the left,it´s me back in 2014, when I never imagined I was going to suffer from hairloss. At the right it´s a recently taken picture (4 years later). Not so bad, but you´ll see when I pull back my hair.

Secondly, a picture of my forehead with my front hair being pulled back, so you can see my irregular hairline (look how it´s not a straight line but rather a zigzag pattern) and also my temple recession.

Finally, prepare for the horror... my crown. In the left pic, my usual hairstyle. Not bad, bald spot not that big.. Now, in the right pic I styled my hair around the bald spot as AS BAD AS I COULD so you can see the extent of the problem. My bald spot is actually a halo of bare scalp, with an apparent island of hair in the center.

I think that´s all the info you need to have. Do you think I´m worth a FUE?

Regards, and sorry for my awful english


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Long John Silver

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Bro I think you are doing ok and at least treating it. Have you thought about dutasteride or adding in RU? Maybe derma rolling too. Yeah i think you could do FUE bro but is the loss stable now?


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Bro I think you are doing ok and at least treating it. Have you thought about dutasteride or adding in RU? Maybe derma rolling too. Yeah i think you could do FUE bro but is the loss stable now?

Thanks dude. I haven´t considered dutas because of fear of sides (more prone for sidesthan finasteride), and also because it´s not that easily acquired in my country. Fortunately, I´ve been mostly side-free with finas. I haven´t really done enough research on RU. Is that really a functional thing in the hairloss world?

I can´t really say whether the loss is stable or not, because I only examined (and obsessed over) my hairline since a couple of months ago and can´t remember how it was before treatment. However, I believe it´s stable at the crown and over the top.

How many grafts do you think I need for a FUE?


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Com'on guys... A little help. I'm kinda desperte here. How bad is it and how many grafts should I need for Fue.. Am I even a candidate? I need more insight from you People. Hell, sometimes it even crosses my mind to shave it all and stop all this baldness obsesion... Although I might look like sh*t

Long John Silver

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How many grafts do you think I need for a FUE?

Bro have you seen a surgeon yet for their opinion? It really is impossible to tell how many grafts you'd need from a forum. Best you have a consultation with a few and see what they say?

I think finasteride or dutasteride could help thicken you up and maybe recover your crown bro. RU can also help. You appear to have good amount of hair so FUE should be possible :)


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Post in the correct section and you'll likely get more responses:
Hair Transplants Information - General Discussions


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Post in the correct section and you'll likely get more responses:
Hair Transplants Information - General Discussions

Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I thought in posting it there but I saw response rates were so low that I thought I'd better do it here as well. Moreover, I'd like some people to comment on my progression and my current status, as well as some advice as alternative to hair transplant (like the nice guy above), so my post is not only for the FUE thing.


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You've responded well to meds but bald areas rarely grow back because the follicles are already dead. That spot could easily be solved with 1000 grafts if it really bothers you that much. I'd say that if you have the cash, go for it. You don't have to accept your hair loss just because you've stopped its progression.


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You've responded well to meds but bald areas rarely grow back because the follicles are already dead. That spot could easily be solved with 1000 grafts if it really bothers you that much. I'd say that if you have the cash, go for it. You don't have to accept your hair loss just because you've stopped its progression.
Thank you very much for your response. Do you think I should also reinforce the hairline? Or is that zigzag pattern normal? If so, how many grafts? I really don't remember how it was before starting meds.

Aditionally, what's your take on the long term effect of finasteride? It's worrisome to read some of posts of people claiming to start balding again suddenly after a certain number or years. Even though there's a study showing that those who respond well the first year almost always mantain or even keep improving for 10 years, stories from this forums always scare the heck out of me.


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Your hairline is great. To an untrained eye you have NO hairloss. I wouldn't mess with any hairtransplants at this point. They can go horribly wrong.

Just take propecia and try to maintain what you have now. You can also use rogaine on the crown area. If that little thinning on the crown bothers you that much use a tiny bit of a concealer like topic or caboki.


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Thank you very much for your response. Do you think I should also reinforce the hairline? Or is that zigzag pattern normal? If so, how many grafts? I really don't remember how it was before starting meds.

Aditionally, what's your take on the long term effect of finasteride? It's worrisome to read some of posts of people claiming to start balding again suddenly after a certain number or years. Even though there's a study showing that those who respond well the first year almost always mantain or even keep improving for 10 years, stories from this forums always scare the heck out of me.
Your hairline looks good but if you want the doctor to bring it down they wont say no. I really wouldn't bring it down but if it bothers you I guess you could. The doctor will tell you how many grafts you need for each area you want covered, my 1000 figure was just a rough estimate. And finasteride loses efficacy for a very small percentage of men over time and those men usually post on these forums. Most men maintain hair with low DHT levels and you will most likely too since you caught it early. Believe in the medicine and you'll feel better about taking it. And sides never get worse with time on propecia, your DHT levels drop right after taking it so sides would show right away. People believe all the scaremongering and start imagining sides. Lots of people become depressed about hair loss and blame depression symptoms like low libido on propecia. You'll be fine.


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Thank you all for your responses. I see many of you have suggested dutasteride to fill in the crown a bit more and to ensure maintenance even more, but I have some questions about dutasteride. Aren't sides MUCH MORE probable under dutasteride? Fortunately, I didn't get sides on finasteride and I know that most studies have shown they only occur in a very low percentage of people. But I've heard that on dutasteride you are extremely probe to get sides. Does any of you have any advice or further info regarding duta?


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Thank you all for your responses. I see many of you have suggested dutasteride to fill in the crown a bit more and to ensure maintenance even more, but I have some questions about dutasteride. Aren't sides MUCH MORE probable under dutasteride? Fortunately, I didn't get sides on finasteride and I know that most studies have shown they only occur in a very low percentage of people. But I've heard that on dutasteride you are extremely probe to get sides. Does any of you have any advice or further info regarding duta?
Nobody has ever done clinical trials on dutasteride for hair loss. Its meant to shrink the prostate and lowers DHT by up to 90%. Anecdotal evidence says that it gives slightly better hair regrowth than finasteride but has a much higher incidence of side effects since you lose almost all DHT. I would only take dutasteride if finasteride began to fail completely for you. It sounds like you're maintaining on finasteride so I wouldn't switch things up right now. But it's your choice.