My hair loss and vitiligo journey and Ayurveda herbs


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I had alopecia for 10 years and tried several treatments- from acupuncture to cortisone injections to natural remedies . It slowly got better after my first pregnancy . I finally kicked the disorder by getting onto Ayurveda, an Indian system of medicine . A herb called Bhringraj is excellent for hair regrowth and health. Trichup tablets and powder really helped. I got mine online from I included B vitamins, D, and fish oil in my regimen and also got off gluten for a period of 5 months.

After a few years, I was diagnosed with vitiligo. Horrors! I have brown Asian skin so it was very prominent.
I was diagnosed with Vitiligo ( leukoderma) in May 2010 and cured myself of it in approx 9 months with a regimen I adapted from various resources: my holistic doctor, researching the web, and just trial-and-error.

Here is the synopsis of my regimen:

a) High dose of B-vitamins
b) D vitamins (check with doctor as to your dosage)
c) Detox ( ask a holistic doctor) for clearing liver
d) Ayurvedic herbs- check out for Pigmento tablets and cream. Worked like a charm in 2 months.
e) homeopathic- check with a homeopathic doctor
f) Got off diary and gluten for 6 months. I am now taking them in small doses