my form of hair loss


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I have lost my hair slowly over the last 3 years. I wish I had listened to my boss 3 years ago who said i would be bald by 24 and he probably will be right.

Anyway I just wont to know where the hell the lost hair has gone.

When i comb my hair i might lose 1 or 2 hairs.
I have no hairs left on my pillow at all.

When I shampoo i might lose one or two hairs.

yet my hairline has receded about 2.5 inches on the temples :(

I never have any hair in the sink either.

Its like a hair fairy has come at not and pulled the hair out of my scalp as i have no physically hair that falls out yet going bald .


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Ahh, a n00b. Heres the deal. People with Male Pattern Baldness typically dont shed hair any faster then those without. It isnt the hair falling out, as a healthy shedded hair is pretty much guarenteed to grow back. What is happening is the hair grows back in thinner and thinner every cycle, untill all you have are small trasparent 'vellus' hairs.. and then eventually those fall out and dont grow back at all. If you look at your hairline where you're receeding, you will probably notice that the hair there is of lower quality then the hair on the rest of your head.

In your other post you mention seeing vellus hairs where your hairline used to be. Dont get your hopes up; you may get some regrowth, chances are most of these hairs will never return to a full, thick state. But as long as you arnt too unhappy with your appearance, current treatments should allow you to maintain what you have for a significant amount of time. If you are still unhappy, you could fill in your hairline with a transplant, but its highly reccomened that you get on finasteride and wait for your hair to stabilize before hand, or else you run the risk of losing the hair behind the transplant, leaving an odd looking bridge of healthy transplanted hair. (which still may happen eventually even with the finasteride)


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I dont agree with you flux. When you have male pattern baldness the growing phase is shorter and therefore we loose more hair.


I went bald just like you. Started at 19 was bald by 25. But, I could see tons of hair fallout when I blew dry it, etc.

I think you are subconsciously ignoring it.


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fredrik78er said:
I dont agree with you flux. When you have male pattern baldness the growing phase is shorter and therefore we loose more hair.

Ahh, but once its gone, it stops falling out, therefore we lose less ;) I'm half joking but there is truth in this. The amount of hair you shed has more to do with how thick your hair is then the length of the growth cycle.

You arnt going to know you're going bald by counting the hairs on your pillow. Guys with hairy heads can lose 100 hairs a day and never lose thickness, while others losing 50 could be losing it. Its all relative.

I'm just tryin to dispell the myth (that I had myself when I first came here) that in male pattern baldness, your hair is fine untill one day it just falls out. When checking the status of male pattern baldness, less attention should be given to the number of hairs falling out, and more to the quality of the hairs falling out (and on your head).