My firsr post ever...


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Hello guys,
I ve been reading this forum for a year at least but never registered and posted untill today.
Even though my hairloss started since I ve been 18 or so it was fairly unnoticable to people who don't know me. I have a big head and my forhead was always big, maybe that helped to conceal my hairloss. But anyway, my nightmare started about one month ago then a female coworker in fron of several other collegues pointed out that i am going bald because i have a bald patch forming on my crown. When she said that I felt like killing myself right there in front of her. I was sheevering and blushing. I dont know what changed but since that day my whole life turned out to be something hard to bear. Every hour my though are about my hair, every glass windoow serves like a cruel joke about my hairloss.
Before this icident my life was screwed too but not so badly as now. Even before i was always trying to escape any incidents where someone will take picture with me (partys, birtdays etc). If the girls would touch my hair i would almost jump away. Even my girlfriend didn't touch my hair because she felt that i am very sensative about my slowly evaporating hair. It is ironic i was always confident with females before this incident but now i haid my eyes when i talk to woman. Almost all of them are giving me that straight look no my receding hairline which make my heart bath in blood. Moreover, I lost my girlfriend couple days ago. i attribute this to the hairloss impact too. Maybe i am just a looser. I dont know. Iam not sure in anything anymore . In my university they photographeed me for the student id couple days ago. when i received my student id i was so afraid that someone will see it because i look so ugly and old now. When my friends are calling me to go out or party i always tell them that i am busy becaue i dont want anyone to notice my hairloss. Becaue of hairloss i am not sure i ever will have a girlfriend again. Because of hairloss i am less concetnrated and capable of learning. The only thing in my life that gives some kind of good feeling is me going to gym every week. Besides that i really lost any interest in life. This how Hair Loss Impacts my life.
I appologize for my poor and lenghty writing but i just had to write this all because sometimes i am afraid that i amloosing my mind. Sorry.
Even though i see myself totally hopeless I earnestly wish for all members of this forum a good luck and strength to overcome this cruel obstacle in their life.


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its not so bad

If you like doing what your friends do, then go out with them. Parties are not nearly as fun when you don't feel like you have a chance with the women. But in the worse case scinario, you can still get a woman who looks 70% as good as those you used to get. Sounds like your hair loss is recent and mostly in the back. You can probably grow it back with topicals in a year. just do a member search on me and find my recent posts.

finasteride 5mg cut in 4ths (need a prescription. ask your pharmacy if generic proscar can be special ordered). finasteride is the active ingredient of propecia.
5% generic minoxdil from walmart $18 for 3.
Buy one month of folligen spray and dilute it 3:1 with water and use it once a day for 4 months or more.
Ask uses here about spironolactone cream or at least 1% nizoral shampoo for your back.

Until then, use this time to bond with your friends. When you get a girlfriend again, you might not have as much time for them.


I don't mean to diss you, collegechemistrystudent, but I don't really get your habit of rating people, both men and women. You're always going like "well he is a 9 and that girl is a 6" or "you can still get a woman who looks 70% as good as those you used to get". What's a 70% as good? What's a 9 when it comes to men or women? It's really weird to rate ppl like that, after all, "beauty" is a highly subjective matter.


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thanks for the reply

I think i am noorwood 2 right now with my crown starting to go. I using nizoral and minoxidil 5% right now. Iam on minoxidil for a monnth now. I think it is early to talk about any results. But since the time i am using minoxidil i got a lot of dandruf and my scalp is kind of irritated too. I shed a lot too. I am afriad to use propecia, so many people critisize it. Thanks for responses again.


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Honestly dude if you are affected that much by it, buy a few good beanies/hats and just get your body in shape as much as possible.

A LOT of guys lose their hair young. I was at a party last night where at least 75% of the males there had NW2-3s. Interestingly enough, I didnt see anyone having any problem talking with the beautiful ladies there. The were all ripped and fit so the ladies didnt really care about the hair.


a chick will take a ripped balding guy over a chubby hairy guy any day. It has a lot more to do with confidence than it does with pure "looks"


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shave it or not

Recently i was thinking about shaving it off completely.
But i am not sure how short it should be. Like 1mm or 2mm ? Does any one has here any experience with shaving their head? How did you feel with a shaved head? Is that true that after I shave it off i wont be able ever have longer hair? I just want to decide whether to shave or not before my school starts in couple weeks. Thank You.


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porajj said:
Honestly dude if you are affected that much by it, buy a few good beanies/hats and just get your body in shape as much as possible.

A LOT of guys lose their hair young. I was at a party last night where at least 75% of the males there had NW2-3s. Interestingly enough, I didnt see anyone having any problem talking with the beautiful ladies there. The were all ripped and fit so the ladies didnt really care about the hair.


a chick will take a ripped balding guy over a chubby hairy guy any day. It has a lot more to do with confidence than it does with pure "looks"
and what is "beanies"?

Follically Challenged

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First off, sometimes receeding hairlines look okay on men. Sometimes they don't. And if there is any sort of unevennesss about it, it usually does not look good.

Russian, don't be scared of Propecia. It sounds like balding has ruined your life, so why are you scared of using something which could get you back your life? The side effects aren't bad, and will probably go away in time or with discontinued usage. The stuff works great.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I don't mean to diss you, collegechemistrystudent, but I don't really get your habit of rating people, both men and women. You're always going like "well he is a 9 and that girl is a 6" or "you can still get a woman who looks 70% as good as those you used to get". What's a 70% as good? What's a 9 when it comes to men or women? It's really weird to rate ppl like that, after all, "beauty" is a highly subjective matter.

College is a highly analytical guy. This is a fantastic asset, but can be a major downfall when misapplied. I believe he feels compelled to assign a formula or algorithm to everything in life. Unfortunately, a lot of this effort has zero relevance. I hope he will stop taxing his brain trying to make mathematical sense out of women...doing so is likely the biggest reason he's not realizing the success he wants.


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propecia is one of the safest drugs... you get these weird guys here (and thats the truth) who would have the same problem most likely if they were given sweetarts

those other treatments are nice and can help, but if you really want to regrow, or maintain... get on propecia


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College is a highly analytical guy. This is a fantastic asset, but can be a major downfall when misapplied. I believe he feels compelled to assign a formula or algorithm to everything in life. Unfortunately, a lot of this effort has zero relevance. I hope he will stop taxing his brain trying to make mathematical sense out of women...doing so is likely the biggest reason he's not realizing the success he wants.

Well said, I have got the same impression, and I also think that kind of "numerical" analysis is not valid in the subjective world of beautyness, friendship and social intercourse, that are ruled by the cualitative and not the cuantitative.


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First off, it's tough and will get tougher as you lose more hair. But if you stay on minoxidil and add propecia or proscar to the mix then you will not have as tough a time due to the halting of your hairloss for a good number of years. Finasteride is proven. It will work. It's side effects are minimal or none at all, and more often than not, they will go away.


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This is a "beanie"


Very popular in california and everywhere else from what ive seen. A lot of my friends with long hair wear em too so its not just balding guys wearin em.


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Lol :lol:

I love beanies though, wear them all the time, and I have longer hair, and i wore them when i had a thick curly afro, yes.


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porajj said:
This is a "beanie"


Very popular in california and everywhere else from what ive seen. A lot of my friends with long hair wear em too so its not just balding guys wearin em.
Thanks for explaining. Now i got what a beanie is. Plus i am from LA so that makes me more eligible to wear them.Right?))


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shave it off??????

No one said anything so far about shaving options available to us. Please share some experience and knowledge with us. I am really consitdering to take it off before my school starts.