My experimental topicals ...


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I think peppermint oil, lavendar oil, a bit of egcg, and white curcumin are the best smelling, best looking topicals for experiment use. They are very cheap.

I don't want to mix them with nizoral or rogain foam since those are proven. I'm thinking of adding them to my ginger body shop shampoo, or some baby shampoo that I rotate in. I don't plan on using topicals, since they are messy. But I think I can put the lavendar and peppermint in ethanol and spray in on in back over the foam, if I part and spray enough. I'll just put a pinch of white curcumin and egcg in the piroctone olamine shampoo, maybe in a separate small bottle. I bought a lot of stuff in the past, and still have not used most of it up.

I put EGCG in my body wash, and have NOT noticed a decrease in body hair.


wouldn't better oils be thyme, rosemarry, and ginger?

chemstudent i know your a smart guy, so you must know using those small amounts in a rotating shampoo is useless.


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Nizoral is only 1% and used 2x per week is far from useless.

I think and advantage of oils over powders is they are very evenly dispersed, and their non-polarness makes them penetrate the skin well.


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maybe the addition of an ingredient to Nizoral is useless but the nizoral 2x per week is def not useless.


nizoral was specifically designed to heal the scalp/remove dandruff etc.

2% of the keto stuff doesnt mean its the only active ingredient to its success

plus keto is a proven hair growing stimulant unlike these oils, but again if i were using oils i would try some of the ones claimed to grow hair like aloe, coconut, rosemary, etc, good luck though