My crown is burning!


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Ever since January, out of nowhere, I noticed thAt my crown burns and itches every day. I let it go for 4 months, tried everything from Nizoral to coal tar to hair oils. Nothing helped. I figured it was due to DHT and that's why my crown burned because the hair was thinning BADLY only in that area.

At the end of may I started propecia. It's been 2 months, but it has not gotten better. I don't expect to see wild growth in 2 months, as it could take a year. But my crown continues to freaking burn and itch! If anything it's gotten worse. The derm said it was male pattern baldness and nothing else. I at least expected the finasteride to halt the scalp pitch/pain/burning by now and it hasn't. What should I do?


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What kind of doctor? My derm blew it off and said it was only male pattern baldness


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is it only your crown? sounds like the type of sensation i get from my dandruff / dermatitis, but i get it all over not just crown. actually affect the non male pattern baldness regions of my head more.


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Yeah me too good luck with derms they know nothing. I tried lots of prescription crap and none of it helped. Tried every dandruff shampoo none of them get rid of it although sometimes its gone for that day. Personally I think its related to androgens or the immune system somehow in my case it could very well be different causes in different people and just no one understands it yet.


I also got it, every time Im touching this area I feel pain


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I have the same symptoms. Its been going on for around 2 years, constant itchy scalp and a burning sensation. I went to my GP around 18 months ago and was prescribed some tablets and T gel type shampoo. Unfortunately it didnt seem to work.

I got referred to a specialist who completed a patch test to tet for any allergy, this also came back clear. After more discussions with my GP we reached a conclusion that it may be the DHT as there is thinning of the areas where the itch is.

I have now been given a script for propecia and just need to get the tablets and give it a try, hopefully this will help.

You may have something similar?


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I am actually really debating trying propecia for the itch I think in my case DHT could be part of my problem. I actually worry that back when I tried saw palmetto that it made my hair possibly more sensitive to androgens then it was originally so when I quit more of my hair was sensitive to the androgens then before I started but I worry propecia could do the same.
I guess overall Im not sure how comfortable I am trying propecia I certainly can understand the hesitation many men have trying it since a medication for 5 years does not sit well with me. I have debated just living with the itch and letting hair loss progress until we get something safer like CB in 5 or so years.


Certain type of foods make my skin and scalp produce sebum, increasing the itch and therefore the hairloss

- - - Updated - - -

I am actually really debating trying propecia for the itch I think in my case DHT could be part of my problem. I actually worry that back when I tried saw palmetto that it made my hair possibly more sensitive to androgens then it was originally so when I quit more of my hair was sensitive to the androgens then before I started but I worry propecia could do the same. The thought of propecia increasing receptors makes me really nervous about making my minor hair loss into a major hair loss problem. I would be in deep trouble if propecia made me obviously balding from like a shed.
Maybe minor male pattern baldness guys should take lower doses, mine is aggressive anyway


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DHT's effect on hair follicles can cause an burning itch. I had it for about a year leading up to when I started on finasteride, and it was horrible. About 2 or 3 months on finasteride cured the itch and it hasn't come back.

Lots of other stuff can cause itch, but I think for most balding men it's likely to be from DHT. I think even if I started losing my hair again on finasteride, I would consider staying on it as long as it kept the itch away! It drove me crazy some days, especially when my hair was done perfectly!


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So finasteride stopped the itch for you all over your head even in the front? Im kind of against the idea of propecia it just doesnt sound like a good idea, but I have been thinking about at least trying it to see what happens. Science does not support DHT causing an itch even though its often reported there is no evidence androgens cause the itch it might just be dandruff or some unknown cause. Its hard to convince myself to alter my hormones to get rid of an itch and pretty minor slow male pattern baldness.


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I'm only a week into finasteride and today I noticed when I was at work that for once my scalp was not as itchy, don't get me wrong after only a week it may have nothing it do with the finasteride but it was a good feeling.


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Let me say this I tried saw palmetto and the itch went away completely for me it was amazing but I had sexual sides. Now the important thing here is was it a placebo effect? I dont think it was but I could never rule it out. I decided to drop it because I did have sexual sides and I vowed if I ever go again I am going to use propecia instead and know its at least helping my hair and its at least better studied.