My brief experience with finasteride


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Thanks too many posters on this website (great information here), I decided to purchase finasteride at in-house and do something to slow down my hair loss. I received my package 8 days later and began taking 0.5 mg's per day.

I was only taking finasteride (no other drugs/vitamins) and in very good shape (no health issues). However, after a couple days I began to notice a mild headache and slight chest pressure/discomfort. After 5 days of this situation, I decided to stop taking finasteride. The chest pain (which I have never had) scared me too much (pain went away after about a week since the last dose). Has anyone had these symptoms just using finasteride?

I guess there are 3 possible reasons for the headaches/chest pain-
1) Body simply does not like finasteride
2) Mind games
3) Bad finasteride


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If it didn't make you feel normal then you made the right choice, but I think you need to take any of this stuff for 6 months before you can see strong results.


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When i started propecia (feb 2005), i also got chest pains and like yourself it scared the sh*t out of me. It did eventually go away after 6 weeks or so, but i was sooo close to giving it up completely.

Its up to you really. You could take a chance and try to ride out the side effects, but if its worrying you too much then you probably made the right decision.


Established Member
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If you can't handle .5 you can't take finasteride. Good choice.

There is plenty of other stuff out there so don't be alarmed.