my 12 month update- pics


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It's called fo-ti or he shou wu. Search around on it. It supposed to at least make your hair darker (did for me) and possibly even aid in regrowth. It's not that expensive so I use it. It costs about $15 for a 1lb bag which will last about 3 months or so. I just dump some powder in a shot glass and take it (seriously).


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It seems when he added Propecia things really took off. Great job fifty!


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ok they are saying this guy lived to be 256 yrs old........reason enough for me not to buy it......using folklore to sell herbs .......great strategy.....


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Gunner, sorry I missed one of your questions... I'd say that minoxidil 5%, propecia, and folligen are the most effective products for me.


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Thank you for posting your pictures and results.
I understand from the pictures that Propecia and Rogaine are making a big difference for you. Why do you think Folligen is?

Also why do you think that the rest of the stuff you are taking is working?

I am on Propecia, Rogaine, Retin A to the frontal area, and Nizoral. I have a regular vitamin regimen but have not idea if it is actually helping my hairloss

For me Nizoral works without a doubt. I use it every day. That is my only shampoo. Retin A to hairline helps Rogaine to be more effective. I

In any case all these are relatively inexpensive (I cut Proscar)

I would not consider any treatment unless the price is reasonable. Would you or others in general feel strongly enough about Folligen to recommend starting it?


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very well done on your results, you seem very scientific in your posts on this thread but you must be over the moon inside?

anyway, just wondering two things...

1. would you credit most of your regrowth to minoxidil or propecia?
2. how did l-arginine work for you? (any side effects, how long till it kicked in, difference noticed, etc.)

thanks very much and congrats.


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When I use minoxidil without folligen my head is really itchy and irritated sometimes. I scratch my head and irritate it more and that contributes to hair loss IMO. Folligen helps you use minoxidil and still have a "normal feeling" scalp. That's important to me.

I wouldn't swear by "the rest of the stuf I'm taking" but I think it is beneficial based on what I've learned through internet research.

A $30 bottle of Folligen will last a long time (6months or more) if you use 1/2ml or so in a minoxidil dropper 4-5x per week.


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I credit most of my regrowth to minoxidil. I always viewed the battle of hairloss like being in a fight. Propecia holds the guy down and minoxidil punches him in the face.

I don't notice a big difference whether I take l-arginine or not. I take it partly as an 'athletic supplment'. I used to take arginine and ornithine back in college anyway.


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fifty said:
I credit most of my regrowth to minoxidil. I always viewed the battle of hairloss like being in a fight. Propecia holds the guy down and minoxidil punches him in the face.

That ws like poetry to my ears.


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You've inspired me to start folligen! Thanks bro! Great results. Also.... I will probably start minoxidil when I hit my one year mark with propecia! Good luck in the future...... hope to see even more and better pics to come.


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I felt this thread needed a bump. It needs to stay on top for a while so newbies can see some real results.


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Great results, looks like more people on here are getting those type of results. It's helping to give me a push to start my own regimen.

Molecular Help

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These are some amazing results, a nice positive addition to the opening page for those who haven't already seen them.


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jblig said:
ok they are saying this guy lived to be 256 yrs old........reason enough for me not to buy it......using folklore to sell herbs .......great strategy.....
