MSM underrated? and my recent problems


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hey guys

actually just ordered msm the other day. will take 2x 1000mg capsules a day. apparently, you can underdose, i.e. not take enough for it to have a significant effect, but its very hard to overdose, i.e. your body can take a lot of it, because its natural and detoxifying etc etc... anyway i read in a few places that daily recommended doseages were anywhere from 1000-2500mg per day or so.

anyway, heres the MAIN POINT. i read quite a lot of reviews and testimonials randomly when browsing on the net, about people seeing improvement in their hair while on msm. well, basically msm helps with a lot of things - joint paints, healing scar tissue, speeds hair growth rate, speeds nail growth and thickens/improves quality of nails. anyway, the msm basically provides more of the "fuel" that the hair needs to grow....think this is keratin? anyway, it basically gives it an excess supply, which is why the hair grows faster. lots of people have said their hair grows a bit fuller and better quality on msm. this makes sense to me...if you have a defficiency of the "fuel" for hair, hair will grow slower and be more brittle, etc. most people get an ok amount of "fuel" because they can get it naturally from foods. but, if youve got enough, or more than enough of that fuel (i.e. you are on msm), your hair has the best nutrients it could possibly have, and therefore will be at its maximum potential of healthiness.

maybe this is important for hairloss, in that, when fighting the adverse effects of dht through finasteride, the hair could need all the help it can get. surely just providing the hair with the max nutrition it could get, if not help a bit with the hairloss, you are at least going to get your hair growing in fuller.

on a slightly separate note, MY PROBLEM is it seems my crown is thinning a little bit again now. and the hair all over the top. sheez, this thing really is a rollercoaster ride. but you really cant always tell if youre thinning more or what...i just moved into a new house, where the lighting and mirrors are can never be sure!!!


There are a lot of assumtions in your post!, I suppose all you can do is try MSM for at least three months and see if it works for you.

Your hair is dead, it does not need 'nutrients'

Molecular Help

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Perhaps, strictly a guess, the degradating effects of dht on the hair follicle throughout the cycles, which gradually causes miniturization over time, is not total. Would that not mean that some nutrients that hair needs to grow are still reaching it? Isn't the damage that dht causes akin to it suffocating the follicles from what they need to grow? I don't have any proof of this but it seems that during the process increased availablility of nutrients might help the quality of the hair growing at the time, though doing nothing fundamentally to counteract the process that's causing the miniturization.

Also one thing I'm not clear about on msm is does it affect the length of hair cycles? Or is the increased growth strictly within the natural growth phase? If msm has any possible use to synergistically aid in treatment by speeding up hairgrowth and hopefully results (by making vellus hairs become terminal quicker), wouldn't it have to shorten the cycles of the hair follicle, not just speed up growth? Don't results have to come after an old hair is shed and a new one replaces it?

MSM definitely makes hair grow fast. I'm not sure if anyone knows the answer to my question above, including scientists or researchers. But I think the answer is at the heart of the question of msm's usefulness.



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*takes 2 MSM*