MSM and L-Arginine

Damn Wind

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Do you guys recommend these additions to my limited regimen? I haven't seen any definitive results posted on these boards regarding these. What do my balding brothers have to say?


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I think BOTH will enhance your regimen substantially... that is, if you can afford them.

I really enjoyed using MSM and L-Arginine, and will do so in the near future.

To me, they appear to have great qualities that compliment the effect of your hairloss regimen.

Damn Wind

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Thanks. Can you recommend any particular brands and mg i should be taking?


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Any MSM works, so long as it's just MSM... not the MSM w/ Glucosamine, or whatever.

Take about 2 or 3 grams of MSM daily, with a meal...

About 2 or 3 grams of L-Arginine is defnitely enough.

Damn Wind

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Cool. Any sides? I have read that taking vitamins/supplements that are synthetically derived is not the way to go. Naturally derived vit/sups are absorbed much better and 'naturally' they are more expensive.


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Absolutely no sides.

MSM will make your hair and nails grow in thicker, stronger, and have an all-around better appearance.

MSM will also give your skin a healthy glow, and maybe make the white's of your eyes whiter.... at least, in my experience it happened.

L-Arginine is my favorite... 2 or 3 grams a day will give you great sexual energy, better strength, leaner body mass, and it can possibly help with your hair... In my opinion, 2 or 3 grams of L-Arigine for at least 6 months will have a cosmetic difference in your hair... It will make it stronger, thicker, and healthier.

They are both safe to take, but as always, if you're taking medication, or have other conditions, you should check with your doctor to see if it's okay.

Vitamin stores offer the most for the cheapest... although, Wal-Mart sells really cheap MSM.

Damn Wind

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Cheap=Synthetically derived. NOT from natural sources. Experts say, you might as well be taking a sugar tablet because your body is hardly absorbing synthetic vits.


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I have no complaints about the Wal-Mart MSM, although right now I'm using an all-natural MSM that I got at the health store.

If you go by the Vitamin Store, look for a brand called Jarrow 1g L-Arginine. It's pharmaceautical grade, and it really works. I highly recommend it.