MrP's Story - (Losin' hair,tryin' to maintain' with big 3)


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Hello guys

First time poster, long time lurker. as usual :D..

Well as far as I know i've been losing hair for about 5+ months. I can say that my hair loss has been VERY tough on me, as I feel I'm a metrosexual male, it's pretty much messed with my image of the world, if that makes any sense?!. I've been pretty fashionable all my life, and the hairloss has devestaded my selfesteem.

Now to my situation, i have pretty long hair on the top (about 4,5 inch) and almost buzzed on the sides, and back. This is the current fashion in my country. I feel that my density has reduced it self to about half, of what i used to have. I've currently been using the big 3 for about 3 months almost, at least, I've been on finasteride for 3 months, minoxidil about 2. I think i'm seeing some results on my hairline, but i'm not sure, the hairs that are growing are about halv inch, but they are darkish, i hope that they are going to be terminal, and not miniturizing?!

I could compare my hairloss to Peapoddy on this site, but my temples are not as receeded, as his are and my density isn't as thick as he has now. But I'm batteling the hairloss with all i can.

My problem is of two faces. The first one is concerning the minoxidil, I get very much flakes that in my hair, I use more than 1ml as is recomended (krikland). This i feel is a big problem since i work in a very busy place, and I meet alot of people and girls of course. Any suggestions?

The main problem that I'm experiencing is with the finasteride. As the DHT is going down in my body, i kind of feel, well not like my old self. I have had the usual ball aches and such, but that doesn't bother me that much. The problem is that i get kind of sensitive to all kinds of things, almost like a pregnant woman would get. And also I had, well really full blown panic attacks a few times, which I haven't had since I was a kid (I'm 23 now). This is really annoying and frankly scares the living sh*t out of me.

SO am I one of those sensitive bastards that is best off discontinuing finasteride, or should I keep it up? I'm really considering if the hassle is worth it...

I think its to early to see any results though!

Will post pics when i get the chance...english is not my native language, in case the miss spellings bother you :)

Any thoughts are wellcome



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Stay strong with the big 3. I've been on that regimine for about 9 months, with no results/more thinning in the first 4/5 months. Then at 6 months I started noticing big changes. For the past 3 months (month 6-9) have noticed numerous hairs that WERE vellous, falling out then popping up as terminals in the front hairline and all over the back, or pretty much all over. If it wasn't for the info and feedback from this site I would have stopped the treatment and excepted (tried to except) my hairloss. In addition, I've read success stories of men not even seeing results until the 10-12 month mark. Be patient and be consistant with your treatment and I bet you'll see great results. it's a great thing that you've decided to attack it at a younger age. I'm almost 28 and wish I started earlier.

Oh yeah, I had a slight dandruff problem with kirkland minoxidil, switched to rogaine foam= no more dandruff (so expensive though)

Also, I had never had a panic attack IN MY LIFE. After 6 months of big 3 treatment I had 2 attacks. Thought I was gonna die, lol. I guess it's the price we have to pay for trying to look our best. Hope this info help you


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Hello Alex

Yes I'm considering trying the foam, but i tried it before and found it hard to apply, since i have medium long hair on top, how do you do it?

And yeah, about the panic attacks,it really freaked me out, thought i was going insane until i heard a friend of mine has the same problem. And he's not even on finasteride. I can live with the ball aches and the common sides, but this one is really fucked up, when it comes you seriously consider suicide.

Any one else experienced this??

Thanks for the encouragement, im not considering giving up just yet, although the fact that you also have had the attacks is kind of alarming...



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As far as the rogaine foam application goes, it's pretty easy for me because my hair is buzzed to about a quarter or maybe half inch sometimes. So I just rub it throughout the whole top of my head, from the hairline to the vertex. I can imagine the difficulty with applying it when you actually have hair. I say as long as you get the rogaine to the actual scalp, then you're good to go. Yes of course some will get stuck in your hair, but just try to massage it down until you feel that you're scalp or thinning area is moist from the rogaine, then you know you've done your job.

Yeah, the panic attacks are crazy. Although I must say that I got the panic attacks when I was in extreme heat (summer time NYC) and was eating poorly each time I got one. BUT, nevertheless I never got them before I started taking finasteride. I've never gotten the ball aches though... Lower libido yes, but never ball aches.

Stay strong, I'm eager to see or hear about your results in the times to come.