morgan freeman Norwood 7


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i can't believe this, morgan freeman, the guy who always had an afro style, is NW7 now, when did this happen, all his later movies he had this thick hair all over, now in the movie MILLION DOLLAR BABY he's a NW7 i'm freaking out that hairloss can hit u so hard so fast. well mr. freeman, u still one of the best actors out there. well tom cruise and brat pit, better start watching your hairlines cause you're next


Have ever thought that they might have wanted to make him look bald for the part?


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Jamie Foxx was made to look bald for Ali, it all depends on the part the actor is playing. :wink:


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Neil, that's the first thought that came to my mind as well. It's amazing what make-up artists can do these days! It no longer looks fake and made-up but very real imo.


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jaime foxx is a baldie has sum mental how his hai line changes soo dramaticaly nearly every film

Green Soap

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Lol, whatever. have you seen Ray or Collateral?

jamiee Fox has the tightest hairline in all of Hollywood. You should all be bowing before his ruler straight temple to temple coverage.


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Green Soap said:
Lol, whatever. have you seen Ray or Collateral?

jamiee Fox has the tightest hairline in all of Hollywood. You should all be bowing before his ruler straight temple to temple coverage.

is true, in his last movie, STEATH, this guy has one of the thickes hair, and thightest hairline i have ever seem.


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Not talking about Foxx...

But in general, never compare hairlines that you see on screen with regular life. These actors have the best make-up and hair people in the world. They can make anyone look bald or full of hair and make it look perfectly natural. That's why it's always silly to talk about actors balding or not.


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Re: Not talking about Foxx...

Headache said:
But in general, never compare hairlines that you see on screen with regular life. These actors have the best make-up and hair people in the world. They can make anyone look bald or full of hair and make it look perfectly natural. That's why it's always silly to talk about actors balding or not.

u are right, cause i know nicolas cage only have a few hair on top, and a big ball spot in the crown, i saw him in some pic from people magazine, and in his last movie he had thick hair on top (dermatch i guess) i also saw the
trailer from the ghost rider the movie, and his hairline look, better than everrr, i hate hairloss cause now u start to notice everyone hairline.


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Re: Not talking about Foxx...

eduardmc said:
Headache said:
But in general, never compare hairlines that you see on screen with regular life. These actors have the best make-up and hair people in the world. They can make anyone look bald or full of hair and make it look perfectly natural. That's why it's always silly to talk about actors balding or not.

u are right, cause i know nicolas cage only have a few hair on top, and a big ball spot in the crown, i saw him in some pic from people magazine, and in his last movie he had thick hair on top (dermatch i guess) i also saw the
trailer from the ghost rider the movie, and his hairline look, better than everrr, i hate hairloss cause now u start to notice everyone hairline.

hes thought to have had a hair tranplant but also most likely uses dermatch too
but unless you have seen any of these people up close in person its hard to say for sure


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r u mental?....if you ever se any of his tan up work from the 90's....b4 he was even that famous, you can see he has a bad receding hairline, once he got into the movies...all of a sudden its lookds like its been strayed on.....its crazy, if you get the chance watch some of his early stand up stuff when he wasnt in the movies...he was sooooo obviously losing his hair....btw his stand up is pretty good...he was good in ray, n average in everything else


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these are movies you are talking about. If hair is so important to all of us why wouldnt it be just as important to maybe a director or the character designer? It has a profound impact on how the audience recieves the character in the movie. Unless you have met these actors in real life assume that even though their hair looks like sh*t, every precaution and step was taken in order to make their hair look like sh*t.