More effective Avodart!


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Has anyone here had more effect with Avodart then with Propecia?

Why are so few people using Avodart when it has been proven that it is more effective?

Has anyone had more side effects with Avodart then with Propecia?


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KHH said:
Has anyone here had more effect with Avodart then with Propecia?
Using it too short to say...

KHH said:
Has anyone had more side effects with Avodart then with Propecia?
Until now: no! Wouls say even less than with finasteride.


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I have been using Avodart for 10 months ,less sides and better results than propecia.


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I've been using it for 3 months. No sides! Whoot! (Huge sexual sides on Propecia)

Better results, faster regrowth, thicker hair... Definitely better than Propecia, although it's no miracle pill, either.


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KHH said:
Has anyone here had more effect with Avodart then with Propecia?
I believe I have more hair than if I'd still been taking Finasteride these past 3-odd years - I took Dutasteride every second day for 16 months and have been on 0.5mg/day for the last 18.

KHH said:
Why are so few people using Avodart when it has been proven that it is more effective?
It's more expensive, has a higher statistical risk of side-effects (or so suggests the 6-month study, if not the 4-year one), lacks the long-term evidence of Finasteride's safety, and on this site it's always advised to start on finasteride before dutasteride - so theoretically only those unhappy with finasteride should be using it.

KHH said:
Has anyone had more side effects with Avodart then with Propecia?
I'd have to check my story thread for accuracy, but roundabout the 2nd and 3rd months (of a daily dose) I was experiencing varying degrees of what I can only describe as light-headedness approximately three hours after taking a dutasteride capsule, with the feeling then subsiding over the next few hours - compared to no side-effects whilst on finasteride.



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I've been taking generic dutasteride for 5 months and have recently started having light headedness a few hours after taking it... passes after a bit too but is quite strange. I was thinking of quiting using it as hadn't seen any improvement and think my hair loss may have got a bit worse in that time...

However on close inspection in the bathroom mirror I noticed a fair few tiny white hairs (almost invisible to the eye) growing on my hair line... is this the tiny velous (sorry i know that probs spelt wrong) hairs that grow before falling out and being replaced by new dark thicker hairs? Can somone let me know so I know whether to continue with my treatment?


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The light-headedness always reminded me of feeling slightly dehydrated, you know a little bit dizzy and slightly unfocused, so I started drinking an extra glass of water and that's when the side-effect began to subside. Now of course that might have been a co-incidence, perhaps the light-headedness would've gone with or without the extra liquid, but there's no harm in giving it a try.

Please don't quit after just 5 months, you're not doing yourself any favours by stopping before the treatment has had time to work.



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Yeah your probs right... i've ordered another 6 months supply so will stick with it. Thanks for the advice! :)


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Slartibartfast said:
The light-headedness always reminded me of feeling slightly dehydrated, you know a little bit dizzy and slightly unfocused, so I started drinking an extra glass of water and that's when the side-effect began to subside. Now of course that might have been a co-incidence, perhaps the light-headedness would've gone with or without the extra liquid, but there's no harm in giving it a try.

Please don't quit after just 5 months, you're not doing yourself any favours by stopping before the treatment has had time to work.


I too have lately been getting the light-headedness after about 1-2 hours after taking my dutasteride. Drinking water or some kind of juice to hydrate myself definitely works. Thanks Slarti, for the info.


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I tried the "some kind of juice to hydrate myself" approach repeatedly on Friday night, it just didn't seem to work... wonder if it was the vodka in it?

Good luck fellow Duters,


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I'm not sure I follow your comments.

You indicate that:
a.) You believe you would have better hair re-growth/maintenance if on Propecia vs. Avodart

b.) you had slight sides on Avodart initially vs. none on Propecia

c.) Avodart is more expensive (this is non-arguable)

This is the part I don't follow: Your comments suggest Propecia is hands-down a better product for you (better for hair, no sides, less expensive). Yet your ACTIONS suggest otherwise.... you continue to take Avodart daily. If you truly believe what you posted, then why continue to take Avodart (and not switch back to Propecia)... unless the reality is that you believe Avodart is in fact the better product?


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slarti meant that he has more hair because of avodart.
read his post again.
he ranks dutasteride better than finasteride.


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What the good man techprof said: re-read what I wrote, namely: "I believe I have more hair than if I'd still been taking Finasteride these past 3-odd years..."

I didn't say: "I would have had more hair if I'd still been taking finasteride"; I said: (because of dutasteride) "I have more hair than if I'd still been taking finasteride".

Admittedly it would be simpler if I could just say that my hair has improved on dutasteride, but whilst this is true for the crown and mid-scalp, the front has thinned slightly over that time. But when I consider the rate of frontal-loss during my 20 months on finasteride, I'm in no doubt that dutasteride has been, for me, the more effective drug - particularly since I went up to a daily dose 19 months back.

Slarti, not deliberately elliptical.


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Thanks for the clarification. I guess I skipped over a couple of the words during my initial read and jumped to my own conclusion.

Being a dutasteride user myself, it's always encouraging to hear positive comparison stories where dutasteride comes out on top.


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Hope dutasteride is working for you, zeus. If you've got the time maybe you could knock-up a quick entry for the "Tell your story" section. The more the merrier!
