Month 4---should I worry?


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I've been on fincar for four months. In terms of daily fallout, there has been no change at all, up or down. And the shed hairs continue to be thinner at the bulb.

Up top, I don't think there is any cosmetic change. I have full coverage but when you part it up there, about 1/2 inch is transparent on one side. This is basically the way it was 4 months ago. My Norwood 2 hairline MAY have receded just a tiny bit at the right peak---can't say for sure. It's thin there, but not drastically.

Is four months too long for a responder to see no change in any area, either cosmetic or in shed rate? Should I be discouraged? If is around to read this, I hope he can give me some stats.

BTW, the sides are gone----for the second time. They yo-yoed.


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That got muddled. What I meant specifically was, do you think four months is too long to still be losing hairs that are thinner at the bulb end?


Jaygee said:
That got muddled. What I meant specifically was, do you think four months is too long to still be losing hairs that are thinner at the bulb end?

You have a problem. Because you take fincar there is no guarantee that it is legit. There is no way I would take it. Always go with the real product.

A lot of people get confused between shedding and normal fall out. Maybe it's the same thing. I have always lost hair in the six months I have been taking finasteride. So I'm not sure in your case.


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Well all I know is, the side effects were right on target. Got 'em, they went away, then came back, then were gone. And they were exactly the side effects that were predicted. Was I foolish to take that as a sign of legitimacy?

The main thing that discourages me from trying legit Proscar is the price. Every pharmacy I've asked says 30 pills costs $95. Even split up into five months worth, that's still a bit beyond my means right now. I really can't understand how some of you guys are getting it for $60, even $50. I've even asked independent small-towners, always with the same answer.

I was encouraged about fincar's legitimacy by Axon's testimony. He says it was fine for him. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he also got it from inhousepharmacy? I hope he sees this so I'll know for sure.

I have to say though, since I posted last night, for the first time I found some shed hairs that are unmistakably thicker at the bulb end, mixed in with the thinning ones. I hope I can take this as a positive sign.



Listen how is your body hair? I mean normally, do you have cheast hair?, back hair? hairy arms?

I have some hair on my back, since I was 20 or so. I always had extremely thick hair on my head, until recently when I went through 4 months of shedding (at 28), after 2 months on proscar I noticed my back hairs gone (never really that much but still) and my cheast hair takes 3 times as long to grow after I shave.

Facial hair, really slow growth.

This is my way of measuring finasteride effect. If you see any similarity and no effect then it just might be you are not responding.

After 4 months I noticed changes to my hair, so did my hairstylist. I the hairs that fall out are less thin. I have no illusions of regrowth, I just want to maintain - and I was where was on his four years ago picks at 28 so I´m not being negative because I want to be - I just don´t belive in regrowth of d ead hair.


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But it's not dead follicles (at least not right away, until they potentially atrophy), it's just miniaturizing, so what's so impossible about it coming back stronger? I do believe in regrowth personally, lots of people experience it, it's not like it's some kind of myth. It just doesn't happen for everybody, and to EXPECT regrowth from this treatment would be potentially setting yourself up for disappointment.

Lately, my facial hair has been coming back faster and thicker, so I dunno if the finasteride is losing its effects (PLEASE NO), I'm just adjusting to it, or I'm just finally able to start growing full on facial hair, because up until now, any attempts at facial hair have ended in pisspoor results. I did however notice that it at least HAD slowed down growth, so this is a legitimate way of guaging finasteride's effects I believe.


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traxdata said:
You have a problem. Because you take fincar there is no guarantee that it is legit. There is no way I would take it. Always go with the real product.

that is the most insanely idiotic thing i have ever read, we are all now dumber for having read it.

How is the finasteride in fincar any different than the finasteride in proscar. Its not. Its still 5mg of finasteride, get over it. You so get the real product, oh yeah because their is fake finasteride and real finasteride, seriously finasteride is finasteride. It not like the finasteride in fincar is actually advil or something.


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Deaner said:
But it's not dead follicles (at least not right away, until they potentially atrophy), it's just miniaturizing, so what's so impossible about it coming back stronger? I do believe in regrowth personally, lots of people experience it, it's not like it's some kind of myth.
Definitely not a myth. About a month ago I noticed a smattering of light brown hairs growing on a part of my left temple that has been hairless since before I started treatment - which was 3 years ago. Now these hairs may be barely visible right now but at the very least this demonstrates that there is still life in those follicles.



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nesta: I have hair on my arms, legs and chest---and sparsely on the shoulders. (I have always found body hair an extremely annoying secondary sex characteristic. Could do fine without it.) There has been no change in this hair at all. But I'm not sure if body/facial hair being affected is a universal thing. It seems to me only a few people have mentioned it.
Should indeed I conclude that I am not a responder if these have not been affected? Please God, no.

This morning, I again a couple of hairs that were thicker at the bulb end, mixed in among the thinner-bulb majority. Of course I can't check every hair and haven't been, but I'm pretty certain this is a new twist. The ultimate question on my mind is does this mean anything. Logically, one might conclude yes, but I think we all know how, in the area of hair loss, emotion usually whups logic's behind.


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No you should not conclude that you are a non-responder, and even though it would be nice to be able to tell what these hairs mean, general concensus is that you can't tell what's going on by the hairs you shed.

4 months is just really where you MIGHT start to see results, it could take longer for some though. That's why they recommend giving it a full year's run.

Hope this helps.


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4 months ain't sh*t. You need to be patient. I was still shedding at 4 months... You gotta have faith!


Petchsky said:
4 months ain't sh*t. You need to be patient. I was still shedding at 4 months... You gotta have faith!

I'm going through a tough time right now. Sticking with it though. If it's gonna go it will go. That's all I can say!