mm821mm's story


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In my senior year of high school, I noted that a lot of hair fell off when I rubbed my head. I didn't take action until a month after my friend told me I had thinning hair.

I researched a lot and decided not to try treatments with chemicals and side-effects. I searched for natural treatments and came across Nisim. Their website looked professional, had credentials, 80% chance of success rate, so I decided to give it a try.

Ever since August 3rd, I have been using Nisim New Hair Biofactor's Shampoo and conditioner daily. Also, I use their extract (for regrowing hair) twice daily.

In about 1-2 weeks, I noticed less hair fell until very few fell. I had a shedding period since then but I overcame out.

Now that I feel my hair loss is under control, I hope to regrow hair. Hopefully the extract will work. I should at least try it out for 5 months. So far, I haven't really seen much change.

At 2 months, I added a supplement, Hair Essentials for Hair Growth.

At 3 months and a half (recently), I also began taking 2100 mcg of biotin daily.

Today, as my daily treatment, I wash my hair with Nisim's shampoo and conditioner. Then, after my shower, I apply Nisim's Extract. During lunch, I take 3 tablets of Hair Essentials for Hair Growth and 2100 mcg of biotin. At night, I use Nisim's Extract again.

There's been a week where I didn't use anything and many days were I only use the extract ones. I've been really consistent with the pills.

Hopefully on December 23, my five month mark, I will notice new hairs growing in!

Btw, I'm a 18 yr old, male college student who is loosing confidence.

I attached to pictures:

September 14, 2011,

November 07, 2011

These may be not the best pictures to compare because I believe I had a short hair cute on September 14 and my hair is longer on November 07, 2011. Also, lights weren't the same.


  • Sept 14.pdf
    296.5 KB · Views: 292
  • Nov 7.pdf
    321.9 KB · Views: 410


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Re: My Story - 18 years old 

Its a good thing you are dealing with your hair loss right away. I put off dealing with mine for 8 years and now I feel like I have a lot to regrow. I haven't read about nisim so that will be some good reading. I am hoping for serious gains by the end of the year as well. So hopefully the holidays will be good to us both. Keep posting pictures from time to time to document.


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Re: My Story - 18 years old 

Finasteride(you may be too young)

I would also consider topical flutamide. I am using it now for 1,5 month and it has dramatically decreased shedding without sides so far.

But your hairloss is very very aggressive so be prepared for shaving it off...


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Re: My Story - 18 years old 

LooseItAll said:
Finasteride(you may be too young)

I would also consider topical flutamide. I am using it now for 1,5 month and it has dramatically decreased shedding without sides so far.

But your hairloss is very very aggressive so be prepared for shaving it off...

how sure are you that topical flut is not absorbed systemically?

this has been discussed several times in the past and many believe topical formulations of flutamide go systemic (not counting the gel version which was done in a study by Sintov).


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Update: So after six months, I didn't get any noticeable results. Also, I feel my hair loss didn't progress.

I started taking Rogaine Foam, Generic Finasteride, and Nizoral Shampoo.

I didn't want to take drugs....I really didn't but f*** it. I'm not getting any more confident, so I'm taking the risk. I've been holding back soooo much. I'm on a full tuition leadership scholarship, and I havn't done sh*t because I avoid social scenes. funny how I'm suppose to be a leader huh? I really like someone and don't have the confidence to ask her out. I walk away every time she's near. Avoid confrontation whenever I can. Just wanted to vent a bit.

I really hope these drugs will be the answer to my hair loss.

BTW, It's been about a month and a half since I changed my regime.

I attached a picture. I took it in the library (lighting is somewhat less intense) so I'll take another one soon. ((((I tried adding a pic, but It says the board attachment quota has been reached)))) what is that?