MK-677? Any experiences with it? How did it help?


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My current stack is as follows,

Finasteride 1mg ED
RU 25mg ED
Minoxidil topical ED
Microneedling Weekly
MK-677 12mg ED on off cycle
Tretinoin 0.015% / Niacinamide 4% / Azelaic Acid 4% EOD

The MK-677 I cycle year round 6 weeks on 6 weeks off usually, this gives me room to assess if I see any value in replenishing my hair or improving quality. It works by increasing HGH and IGF-1 when on I notice hair growing rapidly skin being tighter and general better quality everything.

Be aware that high does increase IGF1 but has little impact on HGH, you will experience water retention at higher doses so best avoided, 6-12 mg has been my sweet spot.

I think it helps.


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How many times do you inject? I also want to blast MK677 I mean it can't be a casualty that you have "better everyrhing" and I believe it's worth giving it a try...

Also source? Are u from uk
Its actually an oral liquid tastes horrendous... I am based in the UK there is one particular source which is very good but I do not give out the source sorry.