MJohnson's Story (26/ PICS) 1½ yr UPDATE - Buzz Cut Advice?


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SCROLL DOWN TO BOTTOM OF PAGE 1 FOR UPDATE (5/31/09) w/ many detailed pics.

6/3/09: I'm ready to buzz my hair down to ½ inch. It's summertime, so it's the perfect time to do it. I'm pretty sure my hair loss is diffuse thinning, but I'm unsure how much it has progressed. I have a very strong cowlick on my right temple that might be making my hair loss worse than it actually is.

Before I buzz it, I would really like to get an idea of what to expect my hair to look like (given the diffuse thinning) afterwards. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.


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Original Post (12/28/07)

Before I get into my story, the cliff notes version is that I'm no longer afraid to cut my hair shorter (thanks to Propecia and Nizoral), so I want some recommendations on short haircuts.

I first noticed my hair falling out 4 and a half years ago (May 2003), I was 21 at the time. I started using Rogaine liquid a few months later, but only once a day at night. I used Rogaine for over 2 years, but stopped because it didn't seem like it was making a difference. My long hair made it impossible to evenly spread Rogaine over my scalp where it could soak in and be effective.

In June 2006, I began taking Propecia after seeing my dermatologist. I noticed a shed after 3 months on Propecia. Since then I seem to be maintaining, although it is hard to tell due to my long hair. But I am basing that revelation on my hair not clogging up the drain in the shower anymore. I was hoping some of the experts on this forum could tell me what they think. Diffuse thinner? Norwood #? All opinions are welcome.

I also started using over-the-counter Nizoral shampoo in June 2006. I use it twice a week.

My hairline has not receded at all, but I think my hair has thinned all across the top and front of my head (largely from before I started using Propecia). As a kid, my hair was always fine, never thick. As for family history, my only maternal uncle began noticeably balding at 29 and my maternal grandfather went bald in his 30s. Both lost all their hair on top (complete horseshoe patterns). I have a cowlick near my frontal hairline (right side), so I think that's why the thinning looks the worst there.

Keeping my hair long has allowed me to conceal all of my hair loss, but the maintenance that long hair requires is becoming too much. I've decided I want to get it cut much shorter. So I would like you guys to take a look at my pictures and suggest a short hairstyle for me.

Ideally, I don't want to have to use any hairstyling products. So I am thinking about buzzing it. If I do buzz it, what number clipper would you recommend? However, with a buzz haircut, I am somewhat concerned that my ears would stick out too much ...my dome is kinda small in circumference, I only wear a size 7 1/4 hat, even though I'm 6'5" and 195 lbs.

Please give me your opinion on the state of my hair and the best haircut for me. Thanks.

December 2007

Due to my long hair, I parted it in strange ways and even took some pics upside-down to try to show where I think my hair is thinning.

Wet hair:








Dry hair:

Wet hair:










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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

At 6'5''.... most people will never see the top of your head anyways. Other than that..you seem to have a very good head of hair. Doesn;t look too bad at all to me. Without gel, I'd probably look at you and think , "wow, that guy will never go bald." I DO have pretty shabby standards though. It looks like you've developed a mature hairline, which I heard like 90% of males get before they turn 25. If you shave it off (and I dont think you need to) don;t let the hairline thing shock you. You;ve probably never seen it at its naked state. I definately think a shorter harcut would look WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better on you, even if this was a style website and not a hairloss one. Start with like a 3"", or the longest attachment possible. That way you can always go shorter if you feel like it. Hope all goes well.


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

Going bald has nothing to do with the original thickness of one's hair... so you can't say things like: wow he's got such thick hair, he'll never go bald!

Anyway, you're doing fine but I can see some thinning in mid-scalp. Looks like typical diffuse thinning to me, where the center of the head starts to go first (happened to me also).


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

Diffuse hairloss in the horseshoe-area.

I would go buy a hairclipper. Use it with the longest comb, which would be about one inch. I think that will suit you. Especially with dry hair it will look okay, I guess.

Good luck


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

its hard to say if you have male pattern baldness...


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

i dont want to hijack this thread but ghg, i started posting on this forum when you originally left. I was wondering, whats your regimen? are you on the big three and hows is/was it working?


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

Your hair just looks unhealthy. You should definitely cut it off, but I wouldnt go as extreme as a buzz cut, its just not THAT serious yet. I think ur a diffuse thinner, but i think your hair will benefit greatly from just having a regular haircut instead of strangling your hair with pony tails etc.


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Re: MJohnson's story - age 25 - PICS - Advice Needed!!!

use some conditioner bro


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Re: MJohnson's story (age 26) - 1½ year UPDATE

It's been almost 1½ years since my original post (Dec 2007). Here's an update with current pictures (May 2009) and interim pictures (Aug 2008).

Once again, I'm considering a buzz cut (½" on top and ¼" on the sides). In fact, I already bought a Remington ShortCut clipper, so I can keep the buzz cut at the same length.

I hate putting styling products in my hair because they have to be washed out at night (I like to shower in the morning to get rid of bed head). But I have naturally fine hair, which makes it difficult to keep it in place without styling products. As you can see, I have a very strong cowlick above my right temple.

I understand this is not a style forum, but I thought it would be a good place to ask about haircuts and styles particular to my situation because diffuse thinning (I'm still unclear how progressive mine is) dictates what cuts/styles are reasonable options for me. If not, feel free to post a link to a style forum where I can get haircut advice.

Ideally, I would like a low maintenance hairstyle. I'm a little apprehensive about the buzz cut (which would be a burr, not shaved down to the skin) because I have a small dome (7 1/8 hat size), which kind of causes my ears to protrude a little bit (but nothing major). I do have a defined jaw line, so that should lend itself well to a close cropped haircut (since I don't need a haircut to frame my face).

Thanks for reading. I appreciate any input.

My Regimen (unchanged for 3 years):
1. over-the-counter Nizoral shampoo every 2-3 days (and a store-brand conditioner for dry hair everyday)
2. finasteride (alternating Propecia and Finpecia) in the morning on an empty stomach


August 2008





May 2009

Wet hair (immediately after shower):





Wet hair (combed):








Dry Hair:













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I'm ready to buzz my hair down to ½ inch. It's summertime, so it's the perfect time to do it. I'm pretty sure my hair loss is diffuse thinning, but I'm unsure how much it has progressed (and how noticeable it would be with a ½" buzz cut). I have a very strong cowlick on my right temple that might be making my hair loss worse than it actually is. Possibly my hair is just unhealthy. Although I use conditioner daily when I shower, my hair usually has an unhealthy dry look to it, but it always feels very soft after I shower and let it dry.

My regimen is finasteride (1mg daily, alternating US-pharmacy Propecia and Finpecia) and 1% Nizoral shampoo (every 2-3 days).

Before I buzz it, I would really like to get an idea of what to expect my hair will look like (given the diffuse thinning) afterwards. Any insight is appreciated.

Also, I'm looking hear opinions on if a buzz cut would suit my head shape and face structure? Feel free to weigh in, but I realize that's probably a style forum questions. Any links to a male hair style forum would be helpful. Thanks.