Missing a day of finasteride


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I was really busy this morning and found myself running late for work. As I was on the freeway about half way there my worst nightmare was realized. I had forgotten to take my daily dose of the sweet nectar called finasteride. I have been on for 6 going on 7 months and have not missed a day. I have been through 2 huge sheds and my hair looks thinner then ever. The major dissapointment is that my temples and the sides of my hair have continued to recede. I continue to take finasteride because I figure my hair would be this bad if I didn't take it at least this gives me hope. I am hoping for a major turn around at the 1 year mark. My question is how much damage is this missed day going to do. Is the DHT finally going to be allowed to touch my fragile hair after all this time and reap it's devastation? Or will the build up of finasteride still be in my body and as long as I take my pill first thing tommorrow missing this day won't even matter? Any help is appreciated!

Current Regimen:

Finasteride (1m)
Nizoral (every 3rd day)
Folligen Spray
Green Tea Extract


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I forgot mine today too. I skip it though also some days. I don't think that it really can hurt. Plus it gives your balls a break.


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Been on it 2.5 years. The last few months I take weekends off. Even the doctor said, "Do you take it 5 times a week like most of my patients?" I said yes.

I don't think it needs to be taken 7 days a week, and neither did he.


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Been on propecia for just about the same length (2 1/2 years) and only joined this board because I'm going through a major shed and am concerned about propecia's long-term (greater than two years) efficacy. Do you have any major sheds this late in the game?


It not a problem to miss a day here or there as finasteride will build up in your body.



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Yes, I finally realized I do go through sheds occasionally. I don't ever see any hair that has fallen out, but notice it's thinner than normal up on top. Then it seems to thicken up the last few "sheds". Not sure about this current one though. It may not thicken up.

Before I started finasteride, I noticed that my hair would get thinner about twice a year. Same thing now, but I seem to get regrowth with finasteride.

I would look funny with bald on the top to front, and very thick hair on the sides. Some day.
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Hey Seatlle!! I'm from Seattle too :D actually from Belligham.

What were your results with finasteride like in the first year? Was there any improvement or did you just achieve maintnance? What norwood are you?


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At end of the first year I had noticable regrowth on the top-front which is my only problem. My sides and back are very thick. Maybe you can tell me what Norwood I am?