miserable..i need help

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okay so i've run into a problem. i've been on these boards plenty of times but havn't even been back here in over a year just trying to forget about my problem. I'm only twenty years old and i seriously have the worst hair loss. My temples have way past receded and the whole top of my head is thinning.. it doesn't help that i have curly hair so it looks like sh*t.
I think i'd respond well to treatment cause when i was on finasteride a while back it seemed to maintain my hair. the problem is, im just a poor college student, and i can't afford even proscar to split up cause it runs me 40 bucks for a prescription of ten pills. minoxidil is too expensive too. The only thing i can use is nizoral :( does anyone have any other ideas? should i resort to saw palmetto?


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Dont lose hope bro,I would recommend that you use Proscar if you responded well to it.Try asking your parents whether they can help you with buying them for a while or at least till you can find a stable job.I have been taking saw palmetto for 7 months and hasn't done anything apart from increasing my mojo.
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thanks for the support. I probably am going to do proscar again even if it makes me really poor, cause i can't take this anymore haha. I'm thinking about maybe some kirklands minoxidil too. I saw a 6month pack for 25 bucks on amazon. Can anyone think of anything else? I'm seriously so embarrassed seeing everyone having better hair than me, even old guys. I attached a picture to show how severe it is.


  • mehead.jpg
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Man believe me I understand what you are going through.I am pretty much in the same shoes but lucky for me,my mum and dad buy me all the drugs for male pattern baldness.

It is tough indeed to deal with it especially when you are so young.I would strongly recommend that you try some minoxidil on the temples as it could do wonders.I would suggest you to try one at a time and give that at least a few months time before adding on to your regimen.Most would buy proscar and cut it into five pieces to save money.Try and deviate your thoughts from this once you start the treatments as you cant really do anything else apart from this.


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Get generic finasteride 5mg tablets from your pharrmacy. If your on your parents health insurance plan, you can get it for $10/month.


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I would recommend throwing in curcumin, resveratrol, SDG/HMR lignans and Nizoral or a similar potent shampoo (I might switch to a more healthy alternative soon). And optimize your diet for a bit.


Because I've just learnt why this stuff could be so damn powerful! If your testosterone is too high, it will lower it, if it's too low, it will LIFT it! It will reduce inflammation, naturally lower DHT, balance stress response (with regards to your hair anyway) and it will do you the world of good whilst doing it!

So yeah, if you want a potent internal regimen to compliment finasteride or whatever you want to do, that will probably have a really good effect (as much as me and the rest of the board disagree on this currently ._. )!

In terms of topicals, yeah nizoral and a nutrient-rich shampoo should do at least initially :)

Oh, for finasteride, I just got it from Inhouse pharmacy for like £13, and United had it mega cheap too. It's Finpecia or whatever but I think it's trustworthy :) (I'm not using it atm but it's my backup plan! lol)

(my only warning is that Curcumin does marginally lower DHT levels as well, so if you do want to use them let me know and I'll have a look to make sure it and finasteride won't ever drop DHT excessively low, I don't think so though)


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Hoppi said:
I would recommend throwing in curcumin, resveratrol, SDG/HMR lignans and Nizoral or a similar potent shampoo (I might switch to a more healthy alternative soon). And optimize your diet for a bit.


Because I've just learnt why this stuff could be so damn powerful! If your testosterone is too high, it will lower it, if it's too low, it will LIFT it! It will reduce inflammation, naturally lower DHT, balance stress response (with regards to your hair anyway) and it will do you the world of good whilst doing it!

So yeah, if you want a potent internal regimen to compliment finasteride or whatever you want to do, that will probably have a really good effect (as much as me and the rest of the board disagree on this currently ._. )!

Which of the above products are you referring to?


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Albalmal said:
Which of the above products are you referring to?

Curcumin, res and lignans. The lignans may not even be important I just keep them in there for good luck really :) hehe


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@Albalmal:He believes in maintaining a healthy diet,taking supplements and staying on a low dosage of finasteride.I guess it could work as he seems to be combining a bit of both proven and natural remedies.Just take a look at his regimen and some of his threads and you will know.I am going to try Reveratrol supplements too and try curcumin soon as their properties look promising but once again they aren't proven yet for tackling hairloss so we have to trust a few anonymous studies and our instincts prior to taking them.


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My main regimen may not work for everyone... it really depends what is triggering your hair loss. It will probably work for most, and will certainly help!

You have to bear in mind I designed it based on what I believe my own hair loss triggers were :)

Oh, and I don't think at least for me that a mild finasteride dose is necessary. Optimizing T and E should keep DHT at baseline levels anyway, and Curcumin inhibits 5ar a bit anyway. It does depend on the person though, it depends on your hair loss triggers and how aggressive it is, IMO :)