Minoxidil strength


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Of course. 2% is weak...The newest studies even say the 2% is almost worthless for women and that they should consider using 5% like men.
It is definately worth perscription. But where do you live that 5% requires a perscription????


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eliazush said:
Of course. 2% is weak...The newest studies even say the 2% is almost worthless for women and that they should consider using 5% like men.

Where in god's name do you come up with all this crap?? :D



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dustman2 said:

Why get it online ? Because you don't need a prescription to buy minoxidil online and it is likely to work out cheaper.


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Are you near the border? If you are able to hop the line, I suggest you do it. I did. I went to Walgreen's. It's also much cheaper (buying online may be even cheaper), but for the cost of a three month supply of 5% I bought in the States, I'd be spending the same amount of money (even after the conversion) on a one month supply of 2% in Canada!


Bryan said:
eliazush said:
Of course. 2% is weak...The newest studies even say the 2% is almost worthless for women and that they should consider using 5% like men.

Where in god's name do you come up with all this crap?? :D


Bullshit, confusion and gayness reign on this website.


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nooc said:
Are you near the border? If you are able to hop the line, I suggest you do it. I did. I went to Walgreen's. It's also much cheaper (buying online may be even cheaper), but for the cost of a three month supply of 5% I bought in the States, I'd be spending the same amount of money (even after the conversion) on a one month supply of 2% in Canada!

You people want to come over to the UK and buy a single standard 60ml bottle of Rogaine 5% in a high street chemist, £32.99 !!!!

That's $60.35 for a freaking months supply of 5% minoxidil.