Minoxidil stopped working, now looks like dandruff !? :s


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Short story: Have used minoxidil liquid for about 2 year. first year went great, but then it stopped working. And now my scalp is full of something white. this is dry minoxil. looks like dandruff.

Dont know what to do anymore. Do you think that minoxidil FOAM would help my ploblem?
Maybe i should start taking proscar or something?
What do you think?? :)


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the foam IS an option. but you most definitley NEED to get on PROSCAR. the DHT is obviously still attacking your hair & minoxidil is losing ground.


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yeah, I also thought that. but where do I get the cheapest proscar?? I live in Denmark / Europe.
And will the Foam get the "dandruff" away ?


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Yep, first couple of months on regaine was fine and there were some gains. After a couple of years my scalp started to flake badly and I hadn't had any hair re-growth or thickening up of existing hairs since the earlier spurt. I think my scalp started to rebel against the alcohol in the Regaine.


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Why the hell are people thinking that just because you have minoxidil dandruff the minoxidil isn't working?? :shock:

Put minoxidil on your forehead and you will still get the dry layer it leaves when it dries up. This will definitely leave a layer on your scalp when you apply it on. Apparently only so much of the liquid can enter your scalp at once. The rest may slightly drip or dry up becoming a sticky layer on your scalp. That's why it takes me time to get the residue off, but since I wear a shower cap after application it helps keep the min in liquid form so a layer doesn't develop as much.

I almost forgot the reason I bumped this, lol. I think I was wondering if the dandruff is a common thing and I guess it is.

barca FC

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same here...I switched to a liquid minoxidil two months ago....and now its dandruff all over my hair