Minoxidil Side Effects

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Hi guys,

A little about myself. I have been using Propecia for 5 years, and minoxidil once a day, off and on for 3-4 years. 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. The symptoms were pretty much tiredness, muscle pains, etc. I've been on meds ever since.

Now, I have been feeling shitty, chest pains, muscle aches and the likes, and have been attributing the problem to Hypothyroidism.

You maybe be wondering, why on earth would I be only using Minoxidil once a day. I dont really know why, but I think subconsciously, I may have always wondered if it was contributing to the muscle aches ,chest pains etc I was experiencing. I have stopped minoxidil for a couple of days before, but never stopped long enough to actually REALIZE it was causing me unwanted side effects. I ran out of Dr. Lee's xandrox, and for 2 weeks I did not apply anything on my hair. I felt quite a bit better ever since.

So my question to the people here is, anyone at all, feel a little chest pains, muscle aches on minoxidil? I put very little on my head each time. less than 0.5 ml and only once a day ( I have tried both the 15% and 5% xandrox, and I think both gave me aches). I am not sure if its a common side effect, but I think I may have to give up minoxidil since its affecting me.




Muscel Pain
comes from Finasterid
i have the same Problmes
with dutasteride is it stronger




Re: finasteride

Timi said:
Muscel Pain
comes from Finasterid
i have the same Problmes
with dutasteride is it stronger







In German Speak
Muscel Pain is a side Effect from DHT blockers


Unerwünschte Wirkungen

Bei den unerwünschten Wirkungen von Dutasterid handelt es sich vor allem um sexuelle Störungen wie Erektionsprobleme, Libidoabnahme und vermindertes Ejakulatvolumen sowie um Gynäkomastie. Diese Nebenwirkungen waren am häufigsten während der ersten sechs Behandlungsmonate und nahmen mit zunehmender Therapiedauer eher ab. In den Studien wurden ferner über Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel, Müdigkeit, Malaise, muskuloskelettale Schmerzen und Infekte der oberen Atemwege geklagt;

Unerwünschte Wirkungen.
Dutasterid erweist sich nach bisheriger Kenntnis als gut verträglich. Die meisten unerwünschten Wir-kungen sind leicht bis moderat und bilden sich bereits während der Dutasterid-Therapie wieder zu-rück. Die mit Dutasterid behandelten Probanden, berichteten in 15% der Fälle über Nebenwirkungen. Therapieabbrüche aufgrund von Nebenwirkungen der Behandlung mit einer Inzidenz von 4% in der Dutasteridgruppe und 3% in der Plazebogruppe wurden verzeichnet19. Allgemein war das Vorkom-men von leichten und schweren Nebenwirkungen, therapiebedingte Abbrüche denen anderer plazebo-kontrollierter Studien ähnlich. Allgemeine Nebenwirkungen waren HNO-Infektionen, Schwächegefühl, Ãœbelkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Muskelschmerzen und Schwindel. Die meisten unerwünschten Nebenwir-kungen betreffen jedoch hauptsächlich das reproduktive System. (Abb. 4 Tabelle der 4 Jahres Da-ten, Roehrborn) So waren die Hauptbeschwerden erektile Dysfunktion, verminderte Libido und Eja-kulationsstörungen. Ãœber Gynäkomastie mit und ohne Brust und Mamillenempfindlichkeit wurde ins-gesamt selten berichtet. Ob es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Langzeitanwendung von Dutaste-rid und der Entwicklung eines männlichen Brustneoplasmas gibt, ist nicht bekannt. Nebenwirkungen, die Leber betreffend, wurden in weniger als 1% beobachtet. Leberfunktionstests ( Transaminasen, al-kalische Phosphatase, Albumin, Gesamt-Protein, Gesamt-Bilirubin) blieben unbeeinflusst 19. Dies blieb auch über die 4-jährige Beobachtungsphase konstant 16,17.
Kleines Blutbild, Blutchemie, Retentionswerte und Lipid-Profile zeigten eine normale Schwankungs-breite. Blutdruck, EKG und Herzrhythmus blieben unbeeinflusst 19.
Hervorzuheben sind die unter der Therapie von Dutasterid verminderten Werte des Prostata-spezifischen Antigens (PSA), das für die Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinoms von Bedeutung ist (siehe Kontraindikationen sowie Wirkungen und Wirkungsmechanismus).


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So far my only minoxidil side effect is hairy palms.

just kidding. Luckily, no side effects that I know of. :lol:


Established Member
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I was using Dr. Lee's 5% minoxidil for three months when I started developing chest pains and a rapid heart beat. I tried reducing the dosage and trying different brands of minoxidil, but it didn't help. So I stopped using minoxidil entirely and the side effects went away. Too bad, too, because the stuff was thickening up my hair a lot and there even seemed to be some regrowth.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone in suffering from these side effects. Although rare, it does occasionally happen. If I were you, I'd stop using the stuff for about a month and then try one last time at a small dosage, maybe every other day. If the side effects show up again, stop using minoxidil cold turkey. If nothing happens, try gradually upping the dosage to whatever gives you results.

Good luck!


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I think I'm in the same boat as you. I've been experiencing a rapid heart beat, minor chest pains and some general fatigue no matter which type of minoxidil I use (Spectral DNC, Rogaine foam, Dr. Lee's -- though Dr. Lee's seems to effect me the least).

Can I ask what regimen you are on now if any?


Established Member
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That sucks you're getting side effects, too. If you haven't stopped already, I suggest that you do. Hair's important, but not if it's going to jeopardize your overall health. With that said, you could also try stopping for a month or so and then slowly try to get back on it. Also, have you tried using a lower dosage? 0.5mL 2X/day or 1mL 1X/day? For some people, that helps.

If you do stop and you've been using minoxidil for an extended period of time, be ready for a shed -- when I stopped after 3 months, I lost a lot of hair.

And to answer your last question, I'm not on any regimen at the moment. To tell you the truth, I'm just trying to accept my hair loss. I buzzed my head and for now I'm just trying to become a healthier person overall -- less stress, eating better, exercising, that kind of stuff.

Sorry I'm not much more help -- whatever you decide to do, good luck with it! And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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Thanks for the response and the advice. I'm trying 0.5 ml / 1 x per day of Spectral DNC and will try gradually increasing. I also use Revivogen at night, Revita shampoo and the lasercomb.

I admire you for going the shave and accept it route. I'm tempted to do the same, and will if it comes down to my health or my hair, but I'm hoping my latest effort will pan out. Also, my scalp has been very inflamed/pimply lately, making me think that perhaps more minoxidil is being absorbed through the irritated skin. I'm hoping that at some point things will ease up.

Good luck to you too!
