minoxidil side effect? someone help me out!


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been on walgreens minoxidil nightly and lee's morning..anyways..within that month, ive had some wierd health stuff going on.

about the same time, or maybe right before, i got strep throat..been on antibiotics and such...i thought the strep came back, so i did some more..anyways...

i have sore throats again, and a bit of what seems like swelling in my throat...my tongue is kind of swollen or agitated too.

anyways, the doctor said its not strep anymore and cant find anything wrong..says it might just be viral.

could any or all of this be related to minoxidil..no other sides..i dont want to get off it..but i cant help but wonder why i have this sore throat problem..is it just a lingering sickness..doing searches for minoxidil sides, i have seen a mention of sore throats (and watching out)..would i only have this side? and what about the tongue?

do you guys think its related or im just sick this month with a viral and need to wait to let me body work out the kinks?

i hope its not the minoxidil..i dont want to quit yet..only been on it for a month

