minoxidil side effect puffy face


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hey i have been using the big 3 for about 9month, can't complain. i still have all my hair and more. but i have the puffy face everyday. and even though i'm still 200pound, my face look like i weight 250. also i have big dark eyes shadow, like i haven't sleep for months. what can i do about it, i'm tired of this, I WON'T STOP THE TREAMENT CAUSE IS WORKING but i can't stand looking like this. pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help minoxidil experts

The Gardener

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I am a minoxidil user and I have experienced no such side effects. After doing lots of research before starting my regimen, I never encountered any studies that mentioned this.

Someone did post some sort of study on this MB a while back that claimed minoxidil caused a disease of the facial area that caused puffiness. But, the dosages in this study, from my memory, were outrageously huge and not at all in line with what the average minoxidil patient uses.

And, this study did not claim that minoxidil causes puffiness, it claimed that minoxidil caused an actual disease, one symptom of which was the puffiness. Beyond that, I think this is an urban legend type claim. Just my opinion, and if I'm wrong I would very much like someone to reply and help us get this straight.


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Are you sure its not something else like water retention?..i had a puffy face when i first started creatine and that was due to water retention......maybe your blaming minoxidil and not the thing actually causing the swelling.


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i learn this side effect in this forum, (just like propecia might give u a pare of tits) before using minoxidil i did a research and a lot of people mention side effect of dark shadow eyes and puffy face, also i'm getting so much facial hair that i have to shave (almost) my entire face. the side effect started right after minoxidil. and since i haven't stop (and won't stop) i won't know for sure if it might go away or not. if u do a search, u will see that a lot of people are getting puffy face and dark shadow (so i don't think is just coindince)


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Blue wrote:
i had a puffy face when i first started creatine and that was due to water retention

I am not sure if I would use creatine being an male pattern baldness sufferer. Just stick to protein.


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well creatine has nothing to do with hairloss.....creatine supplies your body with more water while your muscles rebuild making them stronger and bigger.


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when i tried dr.lees minoxidil..i got the following sides in less than a week.....older looking skin..tired puffy eyes....some water retention kinda all over...

i talked to dr. lee LIVE on this, ( i live in Los angeles)

he said that i am one of the very sensite to minoxidil...meaning that it definately got some systematic reaction in my body...it went into my system somewhat

these effects bothered me quite a bit so i got off dr.lees stuff within 2 weeks

and yes i have read several posters on here that had very similiar problems that you and i got too..look up a serch on minoxidil side effects on here

so it does and can happen sometimes unfortunately

good luck


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side effects minoxidil

hi all
first sorry for my bad English,because I am no English-speaking person.

i used minoxidil 5% for some 5 months,how longer I used minoxidil,how more badly my face started looks. I got firstly ramparts(big dark eyes shadow and eyes shadow)
under the eyes and then a entered face.now I have already stopped 2 months with minoxidil,but my face sees always badly.can someone tell me when my face will become like before(normal).
or this(my face) will stay like thit in the future.

in advance thanks for your time


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it might be the 15% Xandrox that u are using beside 2 x 5% minoxidil.
I tried Xandrox 15% for 3 weeks and skin under my eyes became very dry/tension and alot of hairgrowth under eyes and cheecks.

Don't mention eyebrows ! I have 1 eyebrow from the left sideburn to the right !


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Hmmm.. A puffy, fat, hairy, tired looking face versus a normal face without hair on the scalp.. I think I would rather be bald. :pensativo: